Pendings bugs fixed

Hi everybody,


This week Miguel and I have finished solving our assigned bugs. We have
built new tests cases for the changes introduced. For some of them, we
needed to add some sort of infrastructure:


-          Particularly, a config file can be specified to include
tester configuration in form of pairs name/value. In this way
authentication related tests can be fulfilled. An example of this can be
found in ImagesSpecifySizeTest-7.

-          Regarding HTTPS issue, current ad-hoc embedded tomcat
compilation did not manage HTTPS connections at all, so we replaced it
with tomcat embedded 5.5.26. This issue was especially odd and we wasted
plenty of time guessing the cause of this. Anyway, we tried to include
only the necessary jars in order to minimize the size of the release.

-          Note that you should launch MasterOutput to create moki and
testresults in those tests that we have just added (this is because a
different size interpretation between Windows and other systems)



By the way, taking a close watching to the bugs that are still opened
[1], none seems to be of vital importance. On the other hand, there is
an issue regarding nested objects that comes to our minds (and it is not
registered as a bug). This issue is needed, for example, for tests like
PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT in which it is stated "for nested object elements count
only the first object that matches the headers specified in 2.4.2 HTTP
Request, if there is one".  Does anyone remember the current state of


Best regards,


Abel and Miguel.




Received on Friday, 11 April 2008 10:09:23 UTC