Moki Schema

I have created a schema for moki and some associated documentation. 

The documentation discusses various aspects that could or should be
fixed. It doesn't completely line up with what we create today.

The documentation is at [1] and the schema is at [2].

Unfortunately the permissions don't seem to have quite caught up with
the cvs system so the URIs [1] and [2] don't work right at the moment.
You'll see what I have put there at [3] but the links and everything
don't work on the documentation if you look at it that way.


[1] 2007/mobileok-ref/moki/schema/moki.xsd.html
[2] 2007/mobileok-ref/moki/schema/moki.xsd

Received on Monday, 22 October 2007 19:23:05 UTC