- From: Dominique Hazael-Massieux <dom@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 11:03:12 +0200
- To: Sean Owen <srowen@google.com>
- Cc: public-mobileok-checker <public-mobileok-checker@w3.org>
Le mercredi 17 octobre 2007 à 20:07 -0400, Sean Owen a écrit : > Thanks Dom, I fixed this and a few other related issues that crop up > when you turn this loose on a regular web page. I guess I didn't > really try that. Great, it works much more reliably now indeed! > Two observations: > > - the checker noted that http://www.w3c.or.kr/ currently does not resolve. :) Yeah, that happens on a regular basis for some reasons... Nothing I can about it, unfortunately. > - It takes a long time to retrieve all those linked resources in this > case. After, what, 30 links, should we give up on the assumption that > it's going to fail a bunch of tests because it probably isn't mobile? We need some sort of parametrization for this indeed; I don't think we should have a hardcoded limit (given that the number of links you want to set as a limit might depend on the context in which you use the library). That said, the number of links shouldn't have such a bad impact on the library; the current BP checker used to have a big problem with that until I made it use threads, as well as a making sure a given URI would only be checked once; from what I remember the library does this too, but that may be worth a check. > I'm concerned that this library's strongest talent seems to be load > generation at the moment. :) I'm actually very impressed with what the library already does (beyond generating load); it sure does need some refinement before I can make an official Web interface on top of it, though. A few additional remarks: * some FAIL results (at least the ones from CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT) generate escaped XML to give the error location and the details about the error, e.g.: <result name="CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT_AND_VALID_MARKUP-4" outcome="FAIL"> <info>FAIL: If the document is an HTML document and it fails to validat e according to its given DOCTYPE, FAIL</info> <code><error><info>The content of element type "p" must mat ch "(br|span|em|strong|dfn|code|samp|kbd|var|cite|abbr|acronym| q|i|b|big|small|a |img|object|input|select|textarea| label)".</info><position type="LINE_C OLUMN"><line>50</line><column>5</column></position ></error></code> </result> I assume this is a bug. * some error messages seem to be undefined: e.g. "message id STYLE_SHEETS_USE-5 in file messages.properties.xml not defined." (I'll have a look at fixing that particular one, but I wonder if there is a well-defined way to check that each message id has a corresponding entry in the properties file) Dom
Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 09:04:22 UTC