- From: Ignacio Marín <ignacio.marin@fundacionctic.org>
- Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2007 13:53:52 +0100
- To: public-mobileok-checker <public-mobileok-checker@w3.org>
Hi everyone, As requested by Marie Claire Forgue, in the name of the W3C Communications Team, I have proceeded to make some changes in the User Manual (that will also be applied to the Developer Manual, which will be released in few days). I have removed the logos in the cover of the document. The reference to the authors of the tool is in the Acknowledgments section, as it was in the previous section. Current version of the document is available here: http://intercambio.fundacionctic.org/data/kn86i46o85kqnsibqp98rxhqf8wb5iegw I am copying Marie Claire's email after my signature, so everyone can read the requests made to the document. It seems to be important to be aware of communicating our publications with the Communications Team (although I must add that I thought that it was not needed as these are not W3C official documents), so I am CC-ing this email to Marie. If everyone agrees, it will be published via CVS. I shall set the deadline for publication until today EOB in Boston. I would extend it to next monday, for example, but I guess that it is needed for the Mobile Internet World event next week. I am looking forward to your comments or approval. Best regards, Nacho Marie Claire's email -------------------- -----Mensaje original----- De: Marie-Claire Forgue [mailto:mcf@w3.org] Enviado el: miércoles, 07 de noviembre de 2007 20:52 Para: Abel Rionda CC: Marie-Claire Forgue; Dominique Hazaël-Massieux Asunto: [mobileOK cheker user's manual] request for corrections Hello, As discussed with Dominique yesterday, we confirm that the following document: http://dev.w3.org/2007/mobileok-ref/mobileOK-Basic-RI-1.0-UserManual.pdf ... needs corrections, and if possible before the end of this week: 1) in page 1, please remove the W3C MWI and mobileOK logos. The mobileOK logo is really not to advertise at all. 2) in page 1: instead of the W3C logo, please replace by the W3C-MWI one (at the bottom of the page). To make it safe, i would recommend that you list the names of the organizations and not show the logos. And in any case, i'd recommend that you do it by alpha order. 3) The W3C communications team would need to review the whole document (after review from the other contributors of the mobileOK checker task force), so we would like to make sure that this document is not advertised widely and publicly until then. Thanks you. Best regards, - Marie-Claire.
Received on Friday, 9 November 2007 12:54:22 UTC