Re: More checked into CVS

Wow, thanks everyone. I'll dig through this wonderful thread and find
a solution. Dang you guys know a lot about this.

On XSLT 2.0: this allowed access to more XPath functions, IIRC, and it
seems we'll need all the fancy logic we can in our style sheets as
we're doing a lot of logic in them. I'd like to use the latest and
greatest XSLT stuff unless we run into some problem that can't
otherwise be solved.

On 5/15/07, Roland Gülle <> wrote:
> >> <xsl:stylesheet... xmlns:moki="
> >> v0.1" ...xmlns="">
> >> to use XPath like:
> >> /moki:moki//moki:docContent
> >>
> >
> > But if you say xmlns="" in you
> > stylesheet, you don't need to use the prefix when selecting moki
> > elements, providing there is a similar namespace declaration at the
> > root of the moki doc, or am I missing the point?
> I'm not sure - this example don't work with my XSLT processor
> (libxslt  V10111).
> Maybe it is only a libxslt problem?

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:47:28 UTC