Re: More checked into CVS

>> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
>>                  xmlns:xsl=""
>> 	xmlns:xmlns="">
> Shouldn't we actually be setting the default namespace by
> xmlns="" rather than by   
> xmlns:xmlns=""?
OK, to generate this as output namespace works, but using this in my  
XPath will not work.

To use the namespaces in my XPath, I use (not regarding any namespace  
<xsl:stylesheet... xmlns:moki=" 
v0.1" ...xmlns="">
to use XPath like:

But is there an issue with the _real_ document namespaces?
In this example, the document has an empty namespace:
   <html xmlns="">
What if the document uses different/other namespaces?

Should we always use 'namespace-safe' XPath (//*[local-name() =  
Should namespaces be removed by the 'moki doc generator' inside the  


Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2007 09:53:15 UTC