FW: MoMoDublin is nearly here... 02/04/07

Just FYI, this is while some of you are in Dublin for the F2F.

You're all very free to come and crash the party - and bring a bit of
international vibe to a comfortable Irish pub gathering :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: James G Pearce 
Sent: 22 March 2007 14:50
To: 'momodublin@yahoogroups.co.uk'
Subject: MoMoDublin is nearly here... 02/04/07

Hello everyone,

Following our announcement that there would be an event in April we had
a great response in terms of people joining the mailing list. So we know
we're on to something!

This is a reminder that the event is only just over a week away, and to
confirm the details.

It's Monday 2nd April, and we're opening the doors at 6.30pm, with food
hopefully arriving at about 7.00pm. It's at the Library Bar in Exchequer
Street (http://tinyurl.com/36hq4c, http://tinyurl.com/357ncz).

I'd love to confirm numbers so that there's enough sustainance for
everyone. If you're planning on attending, please indicate so on the
group site:


(and if you have any friends or colleagues who would like to come,
please spread the word!)

Unlike the "standard" MoMo template of speakers and panels, this
inaugural evening will be basically a networking event. Please feel
relaxed and free to talk and discuss mobility with your peers in a very
hospitable environment.

We'll see how it goes :-) I'd be interested in your feedback (now, at
the event, or on the list) as to whether we try to have more structured
sessions in the future. I'd love this to be a community-driven event, so
your feedback is a vital part of the mix.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all there!

All the best,

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2007 14:57:57 UTC