Draft Requirements for Intermediate Doc - for Discussion

Requirements for the mobileOK Reference Implementation Intermediate Document
[Version 0.1]

[1] General
[1.1] Provide comprehensive audit trail to verify correctness of processing
[1.2] Allow for some details to be omitted on request
[1.3] The document is encoded in UTF-8
[1.4] The document is XML

[2] HTTP Requests and Responses (for the test URI and for included and
referenced documents)
[2.1] Include the time the request was made as well as the time the
connection closed.
[2.2] It must be possible to relate the timestamps to an external
authoritative time source (for example by timestamping a request to that
source and recording the time returned)
[2.3] Include the URI requested and the Method
[2.4] Include the response code e.g. 200 OK
[2.5] Include each of the HTTP parameters of the request and of the response
in a normalised form as well as the response in actual returned form
[2.6] Include the original payload in a form that allows re-creation of the
returned document
[2.6] Indicate the size of the payload in bytes.
[2.7] Follow redirects (up to a default maximum of 10) indicated by a 3xx
response and include details described above.

[3] For the HTML Document that results from requesting the URI under test
and following any redirections
[3.1] Indicate whether the document is valid UTF-8.
[3.1.1] If it is not, indicate the locations of the invalid sequences.
[3.1.2] Indicate the identity and the version of the validator
[3.2] Indicate in an XML safe way the XML declaration and the DOCTYPE
[3.3] Indicate the validity of the document according to its specified
[3.3.1] Indicate the identity and version of the validator
[3.3.2] If it is not valid, indicate the locations of the errors
[3.4] If the DOCTYPE is not stated as XHTML Basic 1.1 indicate whether the
document is valid XHTML Basic 1.1
[3.3.1] Indicate the identity and version of the validator
[3.4.2] If it is not valid, indicate the locations of the errors
[3.5] Include a "tidy" version (minus XML declaration and DOCTYPE)
[3.5.1] Indicate the identity and version of the tidying process (may be
null if the document was valid)
[3.5.2] Optionally include the tidying rules.

[4] For Included Images [img, object and CSS background: url()]
[4.1] Normalise references to images and request each image only once
[4.2] Indicate the validity of the image
[4.2.1] Indicate the identity and version of the validator
[4.2.2] If it is not valid, include any useful diagnostic information
[4.2.3] If it is valid, indicate its dimensions and whether it is

[5] For referenced stylesheets
[5.1] Normalise references to stylesheets and request each stylesheet only
[5.2] Indicate whether it is valid UTF-8
[5.3] Indicate the validity of the stylesheet
[5.3.1] Indicate the identity and the version of the validator
[5.3.2] If it is not valid, indicate the location and the nature of the
[5.3.3] Identify properties and values that are not present in CSS 1 [ignore
those that are excluded by @media rules]

[6] For links (a, form)
[6.1] Normalise references to links and request once only
[6.2] Request only http: and https: links


Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2007 15:05:02 UTC