Re: Important: Test implementation status

Hi all,

lots of the tests are now in the new format and uses the file (cvs up).
In the Google doc is a new column, if the new result format is  

Ruadhan, I converted your tests - hope this is OK.
Abel, if you like, I convert the CTIC tests too.

Lots of the messages in the file are copy-past- 
comments from the XSLT,
so it would be great if someone (a native speaker?) generates user  
friendly messages.


Am 13.07.2007 um 01:24 schrieb Abel Rionda:

> Hi everyone,
> In the process of preparing the demo, we are selecting some tests
> and we would need some urgent collaboration from all of you in some
> issues:
> *Recently we have changed the result format and most of the test
> are outdate. Fortunately Laura has updated some of them with this
> new format and we  can view and example of it in  
> test. I think that this update is easy to solve.
> *We should update file with some brief  
> information strings for
> each test. So far only Caching test information is provided in this  
> file.
> *We have a Google doc with test implementation status [1]. It would  
> be very important
>  to know exactly what is implemented for each test and what is  
> currently working
>  fine (it has been tested) .(I think that we can put all this info  
> in google document)
> So if we (including me)   can make this little effort soon, I think  
> we can prepare
> a better demo for next week.
> Regards,
> Abel.
> [1]

Received on Friday, 13 July 2007 13:51:13 UTC