RE: mobileOK Basic Version 1zf

> I like the short ID more than the actually IDs used in the tests.
> My proposal is that Jo define the IDs in the mobileOK Basic doc and I
> change them in the XSLT tests.

I'm not short of things to do so am happy with the idea that you do the work!

I suppose there is merit in the idea that the name of the test should be the same as the name of the relevant section of the document + a number, so that is another argument for doing it your way ...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roland Gülle []
> Sent: 30 August 2007 10:33
> To: Jo Rabin
> Cc: public-mobileok-checker
> Subject: Re: mobileOK Basic Version 1zf
> > It's a trivial change (the power of XSLT) for me to do the IDs per
> > what you were expecting -i.e. make uppercase, remove the "test_"
> > and change the _n to -n, so I will do that.
> Great, so you will change the mobileOK Basic doc?
> Some tests have more differences:
> => auto_refresh
> => content_format_support
> (I don't checked all)
> I like the short ID more than the actually IDs used in the tests.
> My proposal is that Jo define the IDs in the mobileOK Basic doc and I
> change them in the XSLT tests.
>   Roland

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2007 09:37:48 UTC