css with regex, continued...

Hey all,
After the go ahead on Tuesday's phone call, I think I've finally finished
css processing with regular expressions. The current version just updated to
CVS should respect @import and @media rules with specifics about the media
type, and also incorporates the <style .... media=""> tag. Go ahead and play
around with the test cases I've also uploaded for the Measures tests with
the arguments: MeasuresTest 1 MEASURES   As with previous e-mails, feel free
to substitute the digit for any of the directories you wish to test.

I would love your feedback and let me know if you encounter any bugs. Also,
if I'm missing any cases for css, let me know. I'm still learning the
language :)

As for other updates, I've also changed our parsing of the original dom from
Saxon to the default Xerces. Over the next couple days I'll be cleaning up
the code a little bit and trying to finish my last two tests, ContentFormat
and CharacterEncoding. ContentFormat is almost there and you can find most
of the code in CVS.

Thanks in advance for your feedback guys. I really hope this implementation


Received on Thursday, 23 August 2007 13:32:02 UTC