[minutes] Checker Task Force Telecon, 21 August 2007

As text below and prettily at [1].


[1] http://www.w3.org/2007/08/21-bpwg-minutes.html

Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference
21 Aug 2007

See also: IRC log

    Sean, Jo, Dom, Roland, Abel, Ruadhan, Laura


    * Topics
         1. Agenda
         2. F2F
         3. Status
         4. CSS handling
         5. CSS serialization in XML
         6. Extraneous attributes in output
         7. F2F Agenda
         8. AOB
    * Summary of Action Items



<trackbot-ng> Date: 21 August 2007

<scribe> Meeting: BPWG Checker Task Force Teleconference

<srowen> (thanks)

<srowen> Good morning all. This should be a short but productive call.
Key topics are: F2F, status, and then discussion of several particular
technical issues

<srowen> (Or good evening.)

<scribe> Scribenick: jo

Sean: topics are F2F, Status and Tech Issues

Sean: we are on for sept 4-6 at Nice?
... has everyone seen the logistics? Any concerns?

Roland: I am only going to be there on the 4th and 5th

Abel: Nacho is on holiday, I think he made the reservation
... as soon as I have talked to him I'll send mail saying when we are
arriving etc.

<dom> 2283 is

sean: do we have anything to do ref meeting rooms etc.

dom: do we want to have a conference bridge?

sean: think we'll be OK without that, are we OK for the room for the

dom: yes

<dom> list of action items for the checker task force

Laura: mainly sorting things out with how we are going to do the CSS
... trying to figure out how to do the @IMPORT and @MEDIA rules
... I will try to get the 8 tests done by next Weds which is when I am

Abel: I have been looking at the Saxon parser
... strange characters
... I have doubts about the approach we are taking on CSS
... we are using Java objects and XPATH on moki
... problem with the validator is with imported CSS
... as discussed on the list

Sean: yes, there are several issues to discuss around that

Roland: last two weeks I have been on holiday and before that playing
around with XSLT but I have lost all my changes as a result of a disk

ruadhan: I haven' t had much time recently, but I did commit some test
cases I will try to put more time in

sean: I haven't been very active, but looking over Laura's shoulders
looks generally good
... I am hoping that the hard parts are over
... and that it is just a case of finishing up
CSS handling

Sean: laura implemented the tests outside of the CSS serialization
... so what should we do with the code and will our proposed approach

Laura: we decided to do some pre-processing on the content of the CSS so
the validator doesn't do the wrong thing
... so the approach is that as we go through we will collect the URLs
for the included style sheets
... and then we run the validator on what remains

sean: so the approach is to manually process imports and @media rules

jo: I am worried by this approach but don't have much else to offer

and wonder if the preprocessed stuff ought to appear in moki

sean: I agree but don't think it is as bad as it seems in practice
CSS serialization in XML

Sean: we have talked about this a lot
... but we don't necessarily have to have that for this project
... what do we want to do with this code?

jo: was wondering if the code in CSS Utils came from somewhere else

sean: let's continue this on the list
Extraneous attributes in output

sean: this looks as though it has been solved by changing from Saxon to
Xerces, except where Saxon is really necessary for line numbers

laura: yup, think Abel and I came to the same conclusion, one of us will
F2F Agenda

sean: use last half day as working together, review code etc.
... dont' need particular topics on that last day
... use a whole day to go through state of all tests
... and another to review all issues that pop up and do a gap analysis
and allocate and schedule and target first release
... I'll draft an agenda and circulate on the list

sean: nothing pressing, so next meeting will be in Nice

jo: thanks Laura for everything

<dom> thanks indeed, laura

sean: laura's done a great job and thanks!

<roland> also, thanks laura!

<abel_> bye

<roland> bye
Summary of Action Items
[End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2007 14:43:56 UTC