[Early bird extended!] W3C HTML5 Audio&Video course

We are please to extend the early bird rate of the W3C "HTML5 
Audio&Video" online training course to Wednesday 12 Oct. 2011. The early 
bird rate is at 145EUR, instead of 225EUR.

About the HTML5 Audio&Video course:
     The objective of this course is to make students familiar enough 
with HTML5 media so that they can use and manipulate it in their Web 
pages and applications. A snapshot of the course content is available 
at: http://openmediaweb.eu/2011/09/27/html5-audio-video-course/

     Taught by Mark Boas, the course will last 5 weeks, from 17 October 
to 20 November 2011.

     Enroll now and benefit from the early bird rate!:

Thank you.

- Marie-Claire Forgue
W3C Training manager
Follow us on @W3Training

Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 06:09:47 UTC