Early Bird Registration open for new 2010 W3C Mobile Web BP Training Course

The popular Introduction to W3C Mobile Web Best Practices online course 
has been updated for 2010. There's a new module on server-side 
techniques, we've updated some of the original content and generally 
given everything a lick of paint.

The next course is due to begin on Monday 10th May and Early Bird 
registration is now open!

During the course you will:
+ learn about the specific promises and challenges of the mobile
+ learn how to apply W3C's Mobile Web Best Practices to design
   mobile-friendly Web content;
+ gain practical experience of turning desktop content into mobile
+ learn client side and server side techniques for adapting your
   content to different classes of device.

Participants will have access to lectures and assignments guided by W3C 
experts on this topic who are the instructors for this course. You will 
also be able to discuss and share experiences with your peers who are 
faced with the challenges of mobile Web design.

Full details: the content, the timing, who it's for and more, is 
available http://www.w3.org/2010/03/MobiWeb107/

Hope you can join us!

Phil Archer
Training Lead
W3C Mobile Web Initiative


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Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2010 09:11:14 UTC