CFC for WCAG2Mobile has been sent out

Hi all,

The Call For Consensus to publish our guidance has just been sent out! It
ends Monday March 24th at Mid-day Boston time.

The e-mail was sent by *Alastair Campbell <
<>>* to all members of the Accessibility Guidelines
Working Group and is titled: *CFC - Guidance on Applying WCAG 2.2 to Mobile
Applications (WCAG2Mobile)*

If you agree with the publication, *reply +1* to that e-mail, making
sure *
<>* is included as one of the recipients.

If you don't agree, you can reply -1 or 0 with your comments.

*Note: *replying to my e-mail is *not valid*, find Alastair's email and
reply there.

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards
Jan Jaap de Groot
MSc. Human Computer Interaction
Abra makes apps accessible
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Received on Monday, 17 March 2025 15:53:19 UTC