Fwd: [WCAG2ICT] Minutes for the 8 August meeting

Hi all,

Today I joined the WCAG2ICT meeting to discuss the Sets of Software issue
<https://github.com/w3c/matf/issues/11> and Page Titled issue


   - Page Titled <https://www.w3.org/2024/08/08-wcag2ict-minutes.html#t07>
   - "Sets of" criteria

Related issue in WCAG2ICT Github: w3c/wcag2ict#437

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Van: Mary Jo Mueller <maryjom@us.ibm.com>
Date: do 8 aug 2024 om 17:08
Subject: [WCAG2ICT] Minutes for the 8 August meeting
To: public-wcag2ict-tf@w3.org <public-wcag2ict-tf@w3.org>
Cc: Jan Jaap de Groot <janjaap@abra.nl>

Hi all,

Thanks again to Jan Jaap for joining us in today’s meeting. We had a good
discussion on the “sets of software” SCs and Page Titled.

Here’s a link to today’s minutes:

Best regards,

Mary Jo Mueller

IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards
Jan Jaap de Groot
MSc. Human Computer Interaction
Abra makes apps accessible
abra.nl | janjaap@abra.nl

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2024 15:14:58 UTC