MATF Minutes April 8, 2021

*MATF Minutes April 8, 2021

Full text of minutes:

  Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    08 April 20



    Detlev, JakeAbma, Kim_patch, Sukriti


 1. Summary of action items

    Meeting minutes


Taking a look at the exercise we've done – first Step in moving the SEs 
to 3.0

Jake: talking about user needs in the abstract, then applying to 
orientation – two specific needs.

Jake: user need that might be less specific but not too generic

Detlev: user needs – apply general functional user needs?

Jake: no

Jake: you can say users can operate content, that's very generic. You 
can also say users Operate content effectively, Users can interact with 
content. How far do you want to go with user needs. These are already 
part of the draft document. I just have a lot of trouble giving them the 
same value of granularity.

Jake: not too specific, not too generic, spot on. This is for keyboard 
accessibility, for navigable for keyboard

Detlev: so is it that you have a broader user need and then you look at 
the aspects of keyboard operation, speech and so on or Hierarchy – I 
still don't understand

Jake: they will probably be tags. So you can just select for filter by 
input modalities. Success criteria of input modalities user needs should 
be precedent as opposed to what we have now the benefits. What we do not 
have right now in success criteria is which general set of user needs or 
which user needs are present for success criteria in which functional 
needs are covered – is not there yet

Detlev: it seems for most success criteria they are focused on either 
single user needs, Colorblindness or keyboard accessibility

Jake: that's not a user need, that's a functional ability. They are 
functional performance statements they are not User needs.Functional 
needs list is different from user needs list. Outcome is more like 
functional need with user needs behind it. Functional need, more 
personal user needs. They just should be clear

Jake: functional needs list used without vision, then Blindness, 
peripheral vision

Detlev: so functional needs independent of disability

Jake: Yes but there should be a mapping

Jake: context different user needs – you have different needs when the 
light is off than when the light is on if you are not blind



Some Existing SCs – many of these user needs would apply

Detlev: five guidelines that have been ported over are different 

Detlev: would be interesting to see the full granularity of atomic 
requirements and see how they might map into different groupings, four 
principles, but also input method, maybe aria labels

*Action:* Jake to do the exercise for the remaining 2 Mobile SC's on the 

Created ACTION-96 - Do the exercise for the remaining 2 mobile sc's on 
the spreadsheet [on Jake Abma - due 2021-04-15].

NOTE the change in IRC channel – it's now MATF

    Summary of action items

 1. Jake to do the exercise for the remaining 2 Mobile SC's on the
    spreadsheet <>

* **___________________________________________________________

Kimberly Patch
(617) 325-3966 <> <>
- making speech fly <>
@PatchonTech <>

Received on Monday, 12 April 2021 14:27:04 UTC