Re: Best place for revised Pointer Target Spacing

Am 09.09.2020 um 15:04 schrieb jake abma:
> Just a small reminder that the intent was not to have another SC text 
> with a smaller target size, but to have a least a 8 CSS px distance 
> between adjacent targets (morphed into the current text)

Hi Jake,
I thought working with a smaller size was what had emerged as an 
alternative approach favoured by some in the last WG telco - but of 
course am open to other approaches. Setting a lower target size for an 
AA requirement may be easier to understand, and it would avoid the 
detrimental approach of reducing target size in order compress groups pf 
targets (as would probably also happen if we set 8px as minuimum distance).

The other potential negative impact of an 8px distance requirement would 
be the incentive to create targets with gaps rather than including 
padding (of icons or text links)  in the active target area, which at 
least for mouse users would be better than gaps (I guess the tap 
heuristics make this less of a problem under mobile OSs).

> Cheers!
> Op wo 9 sep. 2020 om 14:53 schreef Detlev Fischer 
> < <>>:
>     Hi ALastair,
>     I wondered whether it would help to create an issue for the reset of
>     Pointer Target Spacing - or what would you suggest is the best
>     approach?
>     My personal hunch is that it might be easiest to start from the
>     normative text of our AAA SC Target size, just with a smaller target
>     value like 26 x 26px. That woud seem most consistent. This could
>     easily
>     done - but I guess just doing that as a pull request on the SC text
>     would leapfrog the discussion we will likley want to have before that?
>     CC'ing Mobile a11y TF...
>     Best,
>     Detlev
>     -- 
>     Detlev Fischer
>     DIAS GmbH
>     (Testkreis is now part of DIAS GmbH)
>     Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45
>     Beratung, Tests und Schulungen für barrierefreie Websites

Detlev Fischer
(Testkreis is now part of DIAS GmbH)

Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45
Beratung, Tests und Schulungen für barrierefreie Websites

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2020 13:22:12 UTC