Re: FW: Pointer target size

Nested targets: The worst culprits will be ad popups that link elsewhere 
and have wee little (x) close elements in the corner.

As to the wording: I wouldn't assume that 'any adjacent target' includes 
nested targets. It would be counter-productive to require a distance 
from the edge of the smaller target to the edge of the larger target 
that contains it (as shown in Alastair's second illustration). For the 
case of a popup that acts as a big link, a sufficiently sized close 
button sitting flush in its corner would be preferable since in that 
case, there is no danger of hitting the larger target at least on two 
sides. So I guess some extra language would be needed for the edge case 
of nested targets?

Am 02.11.2020 um 17:37 schrieb Alastair Campbell:
> > For target within target, this essentially makes it a minimum size 
> requirement (since the edge of the target is also the "opposite" edge 
> of sorts for the parent target).
> > If that's intentional / lucky side effect, it should be 
> documented/clarified as well.
> Hmm, I'm not sure. The simple case (non-overlapping) is straightforward:
> Two boxes, A and B. B is to the right of A, and there's an arrow from 
> the right edge of A, to the right edge of B.
> But for the overlapping case that logic creates a minimum within the 
> larger target, but not the nested one. I think?
> Box A is within Box B. An arrow indicating 24px goes from the right 
> edge of A to the right edge of B. A double-headed arrow is within box 
> A with a question mark.
> We could accept that and keep it simple, or update to something like:
> “The distance from each target’s edge to the to the furthest edge of 
> any adjacent target is at least 24 CSS pixels, and any nested target 
> is at least 24 CSS pixels high and wide, except when:”
> Or possibly add that extra requirement after the exceptions.
> Cheers,
> -Alastair

Detlev Fischer
(Testkreis is now part of DIAS GmbH)

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Received on Monday, 2 November 2020 17:40:22 UTC