Re: MATF Agenda Thursday, April 2, 2020, also Heads Up and Request

I attach a gif showing more scenarios for target spacing. Fir the third 
one (row of buttons 2px high and with sufficient width bar the lasdt one 
which has empty space to its right, it would be interesting to create a 
further case where this row sits more or less flush with other 
interactive content above OR below (niot above AND below as in my fourth 
example). I reckon if there is sufficient space on either side, this 
would be a PASS? But when you make an extreme case (two rows of buttons 
with just 6px height and immediately adjacent where the top one has the 
spacing of 38px above and the bottom one has the required spacing of 
38px below), we would have an implementation that technically passes 
(since we are not currenty mandating that spacing is evenly distrivuted 
on both sides of the targets). So this seems to need more work. Copying 
in Wilco since he raised a number of questions about the draft target 
spacing SC.

Talk to you in a minute, Detlev

Am 30.03.2020 um 17:54 schrieb Kim Patch:
> Greetings!
> *Request:***Please reply to this email to let us know which meetings 
> in April you anticipate being able to attend – thanks.
> *
> Heads Up*: Note that we're *switching to Zoom* for meetings – the 
> information at the information page link below has changed accordingly.
> The next Mobile A11y Taskforce meeting will be Thursday, April 2 at 11 
> AM Eastern (Length: 1 hour).  For your local time, please use World 
> Clock:
> *Zoom**, call in and IRC information:*
> *Agenda: *
>     1. Continue with dragging feedback and examples
>     2. Build Examples and techniques Lists
>     Feel free to add any techniques you got to the 2.2 Techniques doc
>     ahead of time:
>     3. Next Steps
> General resources:
>     Status document: 
>     MTAF folder: 
> Thanks!
> Kim & Kathy
> Mobile Accessibility Taskforce Co-facilitators
> -- 
> ___________________________________________________
> Kimberly Patch
> (617) 325-3966
> <>
> <>
> - making speech fly
> <>
> @PatchonTech
> <>
> ___________________________________________________

Detlev Fischer
Werderstr. 34, 20144 Hamburg

Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45
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Received on Thursday, 2 April 2020 15:00:41 UTC