MATF Minutes 6 September 2018

*MATF Minutes 6 September 2018 link:*

*Text of the minutes:*
Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    06 Sep 2018


    kim, Kathy, Marc, Detlev, Jake



  * Topics <>
  * Summary of Action Items
  * Summary of Resolutions


TOPIC Label in Name technique

Use cases discussion



Good use cases for example – Hidden outline

Detlev: content on hover and focus issue – but that's targeted to desktop

Jake: what about android

Detlev: main thing is if it's not there there's not an issue with 
content on hover or focus – if it does show it would be treated 
similarly to desktop scenario and you would need some kind of escape key 
on your Bluetooth keyboard – I'm not sure that every Bluetooth keyboard 
has that – edge case?

Jake: everything needs to be keyboard operable. Laptop with android. 
Hybrid – need to be aware where that line sops and starts. How focus is 
on android

Detlev: Labeling name seems to be fairly straightforward – clear to test

<marcjohlic> Small typo in the third sentence of the third paragraph 
under Description: "When the use of these techniques results in an 
accessible name in which the exact sting" sting should be string

Discussion of issue of having label name first

What is use case for not putting first -- is this a case of clashing 
user needs?

Jake: Not sure if we should mandate the way and accessible name is 

Kathy: also keep in mind that success criteria is as written – Not 
requiring – just recommendation

Jake: exactly so it's not a failure

Kathy: maybe add to understanding parts of discussion we've had here 
about Use cases – Companies make guidelines themselves – the more 
information we can provide in understanding the better.


Detlev: we do have a positive technique and also a recommendation
... also case where pounds lbs. Issue – should the hidden label be 
something pronounceable or should it match exactly

Kathy: next steps – techniques Getting things prepped and reviewed first 
when we get them whoever's here will review them and then get them over 
to the working group. They will review them as well. If you don't have 
an opportunity to do input within the task force will have an 
opportunity with the working group. Were trying to push getting the 
techniques done. There's quite a bit of work that has to be done. 
Working out a better structure coordinating task[CUT]

working group.

Kathy: trying to push these through within the next few weeks. If you 
don't have an assignment currently Let us know what you can do. We can 
also pair people up if you think you don't have all the knowledge to do 
one. If you see something you like to work on put your name on the 
master list. If you need help or don't feel like you have technical 
expertise to write part of it can write the intro or vice versa – were 
here to support and work together as a team.
... we can get more technical resources on those parts and just focus on 
the more textbased

Detlev: need to involve more people
... there are folks who don't come on the calls – might be good to assign

    Summary of Action Items

    Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.152 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2018/09/06 16:04:08 $

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2018 16:09:38 UTC