Hi Jake,
For what it's worth, I spotted a couple of people using "IRC cloud" (http://irccloud.com/) at TPAC last year and I've been using that on desktop browsers and mobile (iOS) app since.
If $50/year doesn't put you off, I've found it very useful as it stays logged in to the W3C IRC challens, and you connect to it.
That means it keeps the history of the channel, so when you log in you can catch up. Whereas the straight apps loose everything when you aren't connected.
From: Abma, J.D. (Jake)
Hi Marc,
Recently I saw you were connected via AndroIRC if I'm right.
Wondering if this is how you connect more often as I'm searching for a way to use my mobile to connect to the MATF calls.
Any info on that or other tips & tricks?
Jake Abma
Accessibility Lead ING
Product owner at Team A11Y
ING Nederland / CIO / Omnichannel / Experience
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