- From: Detlev Fischer (TK) <detlev.fischer@testkreis.de>
- Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 18:10:07 +0100
- To: public-mobile-a11y-tf@w3.org
- Cc: Andrew Kirkpatrick <akirkpat@adobe.com>
Hi, I have made a few changes to the Understanding text of 2.6.1 Motion Actuation https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/motion-actuation/understanding/21/motion-actuation.html First, I have tried to address the note (by Andrew?) that @@We should clarify that authors may be able to meet this when OS settings for control of a particular type of motion allow the user to disable the motion detection. So I have drafted: "If technologies of the chosen accessibility baseline (e.g. a mobile operating system) provide the option to disable the detection of a particular type of motion, this success criterion may be met by preventing that type of input." ...Which is problematic since content that has motion events as the sole means of activating functionality would then no longer offer that functionality at all if motion input is turned off on the OS level - so how is this SC met? But maybe I misunderstand. I have also added to Technique name placeholders: * GXXX: Do not use the devicemotion event to activate content functionality * GXXX: Ensure that alternative means of input exist when using device motion sensor input to activate content functionality The first General Technique (do not use...) seems to require a technical check that the devicemotion event is not used. So is this rather a SCR Technique (even though it just describes that something is NOT used)? The second General Technique (alternative means of input...) might be better an HTML Technique, since providing pointer and kb-accessible controls would be the likely way to offer the alternative means? Detlev -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Detlev Fischer PhD DIAS GmbH - Daten, Informationssysteme und Analysen im Sozialen Geschäftsführung: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp Telefon: +49-40-43 18 75-25 Mobile: +49-157 57 57 57 45 Fax: +49-40-43 18 75-45 E-Mail: fischer@dias.de Anschrift: Haubachstr. 72, 22765 Hamburg Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 58 167 Geschäftsführer: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp --------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Detlev Fischer PhD Testkreis http://testkreis.de Telefon: +49-40-43 18 75-25 Mobile: +49-157 57 57 57 45 Fax: +49-40-43 18 75-45 E-Mail: detlev.fischer@testkreis.de Anschrift: Werderstr. 34, 20166 Hamburg Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 58 167 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 17:11:09 UTC