- From: Kim Patch <kim@redstartsystems.com>
- Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 12:16:16 -0500
- To: "public-mobile-a11y-tf@w3.org" <public-mobile-a11y-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <5A7C85E0.2020401@redstartsystems.com>
*MATF Minutes 8 February, 2018 link: https://www.w3.org/2018/02/08-mobile-a11y-minutes.html * Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 08 Feb 2018 Attendees Present Kathy, JakeAbma, kim, Detlev, marcjohlic Regrets Chair Kathleen_Wahlbin Scribe kim Contents * Topics <https://www.w3.org/2018/02/08-mobile-a11y-minutes.html#agenda> 1. Logistics <https://www.w3.org/2018/02/08-mobile-a11y-minutes.html#item01> 2. Assignments <https://www.w3.org/2018/02/08-mobile-a11y-minutes.html#item02> 3. touch target understanding <https://www.w3.org/2018/02/08-mobile-a11y-minutes.html#item03> * Summary of Action Items <https://www.w3.org/2018/02/08-mobile-a11y-minutes.html#ActionSummary> * Summary of Resolutions <https://www.w3.org/2018/02/08-mobile-a11y-minutes.html#ResolutionSummary> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <Kathy> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/WCAG_2.1_Understanding_and_Techniques_Development Logistics Kathy: tracking document on our wiki page mirrors the ag working group this but shows what we are doing and what's ready to be reviewed ... working on understanding and techniques. We also need to collect examples of each of the different success criteria for the overall conformance <Kathy> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/WCAG_2.1_Implementations Kathy: this link is the ag list of implementations ... character key shortcuts is in there other people have been also filling in ... ideally we would have at least one implementation issue of not having complex gestures want to have sites that actually demonstrate the techniques we are proposing. Multipoint gesture that can also be done with a single point activation is going to be key Detlev: the example I have for mobile websites carousel or you can slide in using your finger swiping left or right without any external control that might be a failure those things change pretty quickly. So far what I've found were news sites. You can't expect that element to stay in place as of reference Kathy: that also came up we can have a snapshot of a page in as a reference ... the idea is we are collecting to document that they exist Detlev: rrecommendation for a screen cast to make those videos? Kathy: screen cast done through snag it. Free trial <Kathy> https://www.techsmith.com/screen-capture.html?utm_source=product&utm_medium=snagit&utm_campaign=sw0 Kim: combination of video and page source Assignments https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/WCAG_2.1_Understanding_and_Techniques_Development#Techniques Kathy: I collected all the techniques that we had from previous versions we have to go back and see if they are correct. If you are assigned one you might want to go into this wiki page and updated ... the idea is we can keep track of which techniques we are currently working on ... I may take this out of the wiki table it's easier to see as a list with headings ... the understanding documents we are hoping to have updated within the next two weeks ... the implementations the list of URLs there were hoping to get those links of examples in by next Tuesday ... timeline for the list of implementations is because the working group has to go through and validate them. If we don't have examples were going to need to reach out to organizations who may be able to implement and look at what is available ... if they don't have sites with implementations the SC will be removed need enough time to either find or build sites Jake: I already added some sites I found a bunch more passes and fails will be enough and is this what we want? ... concurrent input mechanisms understanding? There's already an understanding document present Kathy: it should be almost there review the current SC and make sure that the understanding document matches what we currently have listed in the understanding. If there are any changes that need further clarification then we would go and add that in. There may not be further clarifications if that's the case just pass it back to the working group ... it hasn't been reviewed by the working group at all it's been reviewed by the mobile task force. There were tweaks to the language since then. It shouldn't take too long to go through an updated because most of the languages already written but there are some areas where we have to make modifications Jake: deadlines one week and then gone for a week Kathy: if you can get the understanding document concurrent that would be helpful <Kathy> https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/target-size/understanding/21/target-size.html touch target understanding Kathy: I've updated this based on last week's discussion ... I've highlighted the sections that are changed ... also added examples 6-8 ... updated titles <Detlev> "will help them greatly in having positive outcomes on the web page" soundas a bit strange - simply "will help them activate the target"? <Detlev> Maybe mention that often targe size can be increased by making the parent element of a target activatble? Which brings up the issue whrther the target is what you see, or the area that responds to the action <JakeAbma> The issue can be further complicated on for responsive layouts on small <JakeAbma> delete first 'on' <marcjohlic> "Users lack the same level of fine control as on inputs such as a mouse or stylus." <marcjohlic> The "as on" doesn't seem to be correct Kim: Example 5 missing "t": ORIGINAL text do no need CORRECTION text do not need <marcjohlic> "The issue can be further complicated on for responsive layouts" - remove "on" <Detlev> "If the size of the target is not modified by the author through CSS or other size properties, then the target does not need meet the target size of 44 by 44 CSS pixel" - we should run this past Patrick to find a bullet-proof definition of "user agent control" <marcjohlic> "If there are more than one target on a screen that performs" should be "if there IS" <marcjohlic> and then in that same section: "If there are more than one target on a screen that performs the same action then that is that is available," i think the whole "then that is" needs to be dropped <Detlev> Another Benefit: "Users who use a mobile device in environments where they are exposed to shaking (such as public transport)" - or similar ORIGINAL Equivalent targets: If there are more than one CORRECTION If there is more than one Kathy: when you have finished an understanding fill in the last cell of the table to indicate that <marcjohlic> "It is for that reason that targets that contained within one or more sentences" add in an ARE "targets that ARE contained" <Detlev> Echoing Patrix: with "Example 2: Customizable: A mechnanism is provided..." we may waht to clarify whether build-it zoom (such as pinch zoom in mobile browsers) counts AS A MECHANISM <Detlev> sorry for shouting, hitting the wrong key... <Kathy> example 2 should probably be removed all together <marcjohlic> "particular target size and changing it woudl fundamentally" typo in "woudl" <Detlev> Example 4: Anchor Link: is anchor really defined as same page anchor (fragment identifier?) If not, change <Kathy> Example 3: Same Page Anchor Link The target is an in-page link anchor and the target is less than 44px by 44px. Users can scroll the screen using browser functions so target size does not need to be met. <marcjohlic> Also in "Essential" - "change the information and functional of the content" - typo - should be "function" or "functionality" Under Techniques missing space WCAGWorking Group <Kathy> The target size is the area that can be touched to activate the action. The touchable area can include the whitespace around the target and may be larger than the area that gets keyboard focus. Kathy: Patrick's code pen example for keyboard focus took away the padding and kept it in for touch target size <Kathy> The target size is the area that can be touched to activate the action. The touchable area can include the whitespace around the control and can be larger than the area that gets keyboard focus. Kathy: I wanted to call that out because it doesn't have to be the same Detlev: brings up the point that you can include small text with large target around it <marcjohlic> "then the target does not need meet the target size" - missing a "to" - "need TO meet the target size" Detlev: could be legal documents with small text they could do that again have a lot of padding around it so the target is large but text so small that it can hardly be read do we need to account for that ... technique for increasing target size for example increased to entire cell in table <Kathy> The target size is the area that can be touched to activate the action. The touchable area can include the whitespace around the control and can be larger than the area that gets keyboard focus. <Detlev> http://www.incobs.de/articles/items/target-size-fate.html Detlev: post on what happened to target size AA also Patrick's comments at bottom of post Kathy: maybe I should add some examples of size changes. One thing that is very specific and this is the size of the target is not modified by the author. You can change the color, style but if you change the size you end up getting into a modified version. The font text size for the height and width of a control or changes.Should I add that? <Kathy> User Agent Control: If the size of the target is not modified by the author through CSS or other size properties, then the target does not need meet the target size of 44 by 44 CSS pixels. <marcjohlic> Example 4 - "44px by 44px" needs to remove px and add CSS for consistency "44 by 44 CSS pixels" <Kathy> An examples of size changes could include font text size, and height or width of a control. <marcjohlic> Example 5 - "Links within paragraphs of text do no need to meet " typo "no" should be "not" Detlev: can I claim this if I don't use CSS at all, or if I change other things but I don't try to affect changes of the size of my native controls in my then fine do I fall under this exception. People may wonder if they do or not <Kathy> Examples of size changes could include font text size properties, and height or width of a control. Detlev: I'd like to see examples more solid ground to discuss ... shaking train example benefit for everyone Kathy: removed example 2 we no longer have customizable Detlef: I would've thought it was any anchor Kathy: I think I've addressed everybody's items I'll finish the text edits and republish. Mark: I thought all the content was good Detlev: not sure if I can manage all the ones I was on before Marc: I'd like to finish the orientation and then take one ... I may be able to get someone else for my team to pick one up Kathy: yes and if you can change the chart Detlev: will make a pass tomorrow and remove name from any he doesn't have time for Kathy: keep track in the wiki before you start working on something make sure to check the wiki https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/21/label-in-name.html <Kathy> For user interface components with labels that include text or images of text, the name contains the text presented visually. https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/master/guidelines/index.html#label-in-name Summary of Action Items Summary of Resolutions [End of minutes] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl <http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/%7Echeckout%7E/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm> version 1.152 (CVS log <http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/>) $Date: 2018/02/08 17:10:55 $ ___________________________________________________ Kimberly Patch President Redstart Systems (617) 325-3966 kim@redstartsystems.com <mailto:kim@redstartsystems.com> www.redstartsystems.com <http://www.redstartsystems.com> - making speech fly www.linkedin.com/in/kimpatch <http://www.linkedin.com/in/kimpatch> ___________________________________________________
Received on Thursday, 8 February 2018 17:17:13 UTC