MATF Minutes 17 March 2016

*MATF Minutes 17 March 2016 link: *

*Text of minutes:*

  Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    17 Mar 2016

See also: IRC log <>


    Kim, Kathy, Mark, Detlev, David, Jeanne
    Jonathan, Alan, Alistair, Henny, Chris


  * Topics <>
     1. Review assignments
     2. Revisions to 2.5.3 and related failures
  * Summary of Action Items
  * Summary of Resolutions


Kathy: No meeting next week. Questions on assignments or things you now 
have ready -- assuming people are wrapping things up and picking things 
up after CSUN
... if you have something most of the way there just mark as for review 
and we can work on those in these meetings


      Review assignments

      Revisions to 2.5.3 and related failures

David: separate gesture, or be reversible -- I like it

Kathy: should we add anything more to the specific benefits -- if you 
have anything, you can always go and add to the wiki

Detlev: are there cases where selecting by, say swiping left or right 
would already call some action -- aware of one select and doubled have 
doesn't do anything but when you have user gestures like sliding a 
finger to move the slider and so on which are not acceptable and don't 
get through because the assistive technology are taking those gestures 
for something else -- that's not exactly...
... what's meant here. Have we discussed cases where the mere selection 
would already trigger the action

David: email from Patrick about that

<David_> As a general rule, once AT is running, no touch events 
(touchstart/touchmove/touchend) are fired directly (when the user is 
actually moving their finger over the touchscreen) - unless a user 
explicitly executed a passthrough gesture (if I recall, on iOS, 
double-tap and keep finger on screen, then execute the gesture). Most 
recent browsers/OSs with AT running will, however, fire "fake" touch...

<David_> on activation (double-tap) - see 
short, if the custom scripting is reliant on handling 
touchstart/touchmove/touchend, it's usually not going to work (or not 
going to work as expected).

Detlev: specific pass-through gestures and if the screen reader is 
turned on those gestures wouldn't just work, would not be passed on to 
the user agent -- that's my understanding

David: he says no events are fired unless it's a pass-through gesture, 
and you almost never see that done because it doesn't work very well

Detlev: so then does this text makes sense -- could there be a situation 
where you have a selection gesture like horizontal scraping that 
triggers -- I haven't seen that unless you turn on that single touch 
feature in android, but apart from that I can't think of any situation 
where that happens. Have we collected cases where that's actually happening?

Kathy: if you touch something it would get focus and then double tap 
actually activate there are scenarios whereby simply focusing on an 
element activates the element. I think that's what were trying to get at
... when the screen reader is on -- doesn't happen when the screen 
reader is off because double tapping is the activation

Detlev: do we have actual cases

Kathy: that's the only one that I've come across where you single tap on 
it and it activates it I was wondering if there were other scenarios 
that people were seeing. This originally came out of the BBC mobile stuff

David: we may not need this

Detlev: could it be that this only happens when this feature in android 
is turned on

Kathy: no, I've had it happen iOS with voiceover. I know what you're 
talking about with a single tap with that setting and that is there. 
I've also seen the scenario where single tap activates there's no way to 

David: how do you program that

Kathy: I don't know the backend I want to see if we have other examples. 
I couldn't come up with a scenario -- within applications, yeah, but not 
within web content other than that one instance where I had that happening

David: could that situation have been a glitch or need a reboot?


Kathy: definitely not

Detlev: still inside the button release mouse outside the button so you 
prevent the event from happening so the same thing obviously can be 
without the screen reader on you just click, move the finger away and it 
won't happen. So I think that's a scenario that has nothing to do with 
assistive technology use

Kathy: we can remove one device assistive technology is being used, just 
when selection gesture is different from activation gesture easily 

Detlev: if you use your iPhone without voiceover just lift the finger 
and that separation between selecting and activating , but screen reader 
is select something first and you hurt spoken than double tap to select

Marc: default is touch up allows you to slide off, native apps. I kind 
of like wording having assistive technology turned on

Kathy: if somebody does something on touchstart -- look at the failure, 
on touchstart rather than touchend

David: maybe we're better off just removing assistive technology for now 
and say later we will keep it in the back of our minds. We should have a 
boneyard -- stick ideas that we might need again but we're not sure

Detlev: we have a single example that demonstrates that, screenreader, 
focus on something be it touch or swiping -- if that exists then I think 
it's a good thing

<marcjohlic> the selection gesture must be separate from the activation 
gesture, have confirmation, or be easily reversible. (Level A)

<marcjohlic> ugh - bad pasted

<marcjohlic> Interface elements that require a single tap or a long 
press as input will only trigger the corresponding event when the finger 
is lifted inside that element. The selection gesture must be separate 
from the activation gesture, have confirmation, or be easily reversible. 
(Level A)

<marcjohlic> ^ But it needs to be shorter

Jeanne: having to keep finger inside focus circle causes problems for 
people with mobility issues

<marcjohlic> Propose: For interface elements that require a single tap 
or a long press as input the selection gesture must be separate from the 
activation gesture, have confirmation, or be easily reversible. (Level A)

Detlev: swipe somewhere else or tap somewhere else is different, but if 
people can't do that maybe we should just throw it out

<marcjohlic> (but agreed, that may not work w/ what Jeanne is saying 
about mobility issues)

Detlev: separation of selection and activation this is one place where 
that can happen. This is nothing to do with the previous version because 
it's not really about where the finger is it's just desktop thing where 
you say leave a form element and then submit the form

Jeanne: web client dialer where if you tap the number it executed -- 
didn't wait for you to lift your finger to execute the number dialing. I 
thought it was with the screen reader turned on

Detlev: and it wasn't the virtual keyboard he used?

Jeanne: custom dialing keyboard

Kathy: editing wiki

<marcjohlic> Propose: The selection gesture for single tap or long press 
input must be separate from the activation gesture, have confirmation, 
or be easily reversible. (Level A)

Detlev: are we mixing up BBC use of assistive technology and selection 
gesture separate from activation gesture -- it doesn't really map easily 
on a use case where you don't have a screen reader turned on because 
here you don't separate

David: iPhone keypad -- press on the to and move away from the 2 you 
already dialed it -- it activates on touch. I haven't seen any 
complaints about it

Detlev: the dialing itself is a separate thing after you've put in the 

David: let's look at some other flagship activity on the iPhone
... airplane mode wouldn't activate until I let go of my finger
... so all these buttons and the settings work that way on the iPhone

Marc: I tried a few things and it looks like they're all using touchup 

David: I have my Google mail open, my taskbar in Safari and if you want 
to refresh -- that little circle for refresh if you tap it quickly it 
will refresh, if you hold it down it's going to say do you want to go to 
the desktop view
... two choices request desktop site or cancel
... so there's a means to undo it
... do we really want to create something that's going to fail the 
iPhone dialer. No, but we have revocable, so it's not failing it
... photo button burst mode interesting behavior

Kathy: I don't think these are behaviors we want to see. If you have 
someone with a mobility impairment, problem

Detlev: presumably you can customize it's up to you to customize so it 
doesn't do unintended things

Kathy: we have reversible or confirmation so we can have that as part of it

David: add can be disabled

Detlev: burst mode -- can delete all at once I don't know if that's 

David: deleting them all at once -- not saving the one I want

Kathy: if we go down that route is there something we need to change.

Detlev: focus on either assistive technology or without

David: takes burst with voiceover on
... if we can boneyard assistive technology for now

Detlev: keep it is something that needs backing by some examples, ask 
Chris to come forward with the dial path example

Kathy: let's move away from assistive technology and focus on the latter 
part of it

Detlev: I think that is valid and is just good practices to mobile and 
whether that can stay in or people would consider that general usability 
I'm not sure. BBC has different scope maybe

Kathy: is this very similar to oninput or onfocus?
... very rare, but example yesterday behind a firewall. Loss of focus
... how often this is actually gonna happen -- it may not be. I think 
there is a challenge within single tabs and long presses. I think in the 
settings on the iPhone, and I haven't played around with this. I think 
you can actually change the time for long press in the settings

Generally looking for this

David: what about force touch

<marcjohlic> "Touch Accommodations" under General > Accessibility

Detlev: 3-D touch same thing, may not be available to everybody with 3-D 
touch phone but you can get to everything by going into the application

Kathy: 3-D touch images, actions and actual menus

Detlev: presumably someone could write an app where people have things 
for 3-D touch that appear nowhere else, so that would be a failure
... failure: content elements or whatever where you provide through just 
3-D touch or just long presses where you can have in any other way where 
it's not just a shortcut but something unique that other people can't 
get to who can't exert the force touch because the device doesn't 
support it or because their motor disability doesn't allow them to touch 
for that long a time

Kathy adding this to wiki

Detlev: also keyboard users wouldn't have a way of doing al ong touch

Kathy: is there a keyboard equivalent?

Marc: general accessibility, touch accommodation, tap assistance
... location of touch

David: but they don't say anything about force touch

<Kathy> 2.5.3 Single Taps and Long Presses Revocable: The selection 
gesture must be separate from the activation gesture, have confirmation, 
or be easily reversible. (Level A)

Kathy: here's what we have right now

Kim: still doesn't say anything about settings

David: giving them a lot of options

Jeanne: I think we really confuse things when we get into the user agent 
side of it. On this particular example we need to stick with just what 
the author can write

David: mechanism is available -- that can be author or operating system 
doesn't matter. If there's nothing in the settings and they need to be 
able to. Maybe we can actually leverage that -- or a mechanism is available

Kathy: a mechanism is available to change the touch settings?

David: we don't want it to activate it on touch, so an activation is 
available to disable activation untouched -- on down. We're not worried 
about up, just ondown

Kathy: you could have user settings and application that allows you to 
change the way it's doing that -- that would be an okay alternative to this

<Kathy> 2.5.3 Single Taps and Long Presses Revocable: The selection 
gesture must be separate from the activation gesture, have confirmation, 
be easily reversible or there is a mechanism is available to change the 
way touch settings.

David: or a mechanism must be available to separate them -- that's 
really what we want to say
... it's really the down action that's causing the trouble so maybe we 
need to say that in the success criteria

Jeanne: or in the understanding

    Summary of Action Items

    Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.144 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2016/03/17 16:29:53 $

Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems
(617) 325-3966 <> <>
- making speech fly

Blog: Patch on Speech
+Kim Patch
@RedstartSystems <>

Received on Thursday, 17 March 2016 16:36:08 UTC