MATF Minutes 10 March 2016

*MATF Minutes 10 March 2016 link: *

*Text of minutes:*

  Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    10 Mar 2016

See also: IRC log <>


    Alistair, Kathy, alistair, jeanne, henny, chriscm, marcjohlic,
    MichaelC, Kim, David
    Detlev, Alan


  * Topics <>
     1. Brief wiki tour
     2. Review assignments
     3. Proposed text for introduction
     4. Revisions to 2.5.3, M029 -
  * Summary of Action Items
  * Summary of Resolutions



<Kathy> scribe: chriscm

      Brief wiki tour

kim: let's take a look at the wiki, it's been reorganized a bit.

<David> could you drop the link in again


marc: new organization looks better

      Review assignments

kim: Any questions about current assignments?

Marc: Has some projects that are winding down, more time to make progress.

Chriscm: Waiting on status of survey for m29

      Proposed text for introduction


jeanne: Wanted to put some information in the intro for discussion to 
clarify. When John Folliot joined, he was confused over our purpose.

KathyW: It hasn't been decided how our work would be integrated with 
WCAG and how it will be structured.
... Anything to do with WCAG will likely need to be stripped out, and we 
should only deal with mobile.
... People are getting hung up on our numbering system, stemming from 
WCAG elements. We may need to propose new success criteria, extensions, 
or combinations of those approaches.
... We may actually be starting WCAG 2.1
... Regardless of the approach, the purpose of the document needs to be 
more clear.

Jeanne: That's just an editorial issue. Can be tackled at a later date.
... We need to agree on the introduction paragraph.

Kim: I like it, I like that you added mobile applications.

David: if we do roll into 2.1.1 when we come back to working group, it 
will be unlikely that we can apply it to web applications.

Jeanne: Let's not make that assumption.

How do I increment the queue?

Marc: With the 508 refresh, having guidelines that apply makes sense.

Alistair: mobile applications is too broad.

<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say need to not constrain creativity, 
but also need realistic expectations and not take personally if WCAG WG 
defers some aspects


Michael: don't constrain creativity. Some aspects may be restrained for 
very specific reasons.


<jeanne> +1 Michael

<Kim> +1 Michael

<Kim> Chris: this may someday apply to native even if any native 
specific things getting pulled out at least we don't have to go back and 
rework on those things

<agarrison> +1

Henny: All good points. Hybrid apps should not be forgotten. Tech 
agnostic. In regarding to final wording change "can also apply to mobile 
applications" to "...may apply..."
... Even if it doesn't strictly apply, native developers come to wcag, 
and specifically the mobile extension for guidance.

<Kim> +1 Henny

<David> +1

<Kathy> +1

<marcjohlic> +1

<jeanne> +1

Kim: What do people think about Henny's suggestion to sub in "may apply..."


Jeanne: Don't get to hung up on definition of web from wcag, because it 
was written before smartphones and mobile apps existed.

David: We are constrained by definition within the realm of 2.1.

Jeanne: We don't want to constrain our thoughts. We should allow the 
working group to make that decison.

Kathy: Don't censor ourselves, let the working group make the call.

<agarrison> may apply to apsects of mobile device interfaces made with 
web technologies

Kathy: Hybrid apps add further complications. A webview within an app is 
still web content, even though it's not within a browser.

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say \that the definition of WCAG was 
written before smartphones and mobile apps existed.

chriscm: Web content hardcoded does not apply to all content rendered by 
a browser.

Michael: This is an issue that needs to be addressed going forward, even 
if it can't be addressed in WCAG 2.1

<jeanne> This needs to go into the Coordination section

Kim: Do we need to add a proposal as an action.

<jeanne> *ACTION:* jeanne to document discussion on applicability of the 
definition of web content to mobile [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-43 - Document discussion on applicability of 
the definition of web content to mobile [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 

David: Henny adding the word "may" to the introduction addresses my 
... Focus on hybrid and responsive applications before any native specific.

<Kim> Chris: just because it's not a capability now it might be later -- 
look at with the capabilities of native are and assume they'll 
eventually be capabilities of mobile web as well and assume that any 
criteria have respect to the capabilities of native even if we don't say 
native apps can do this we can say mobile web may be able to do this 
because it's a capability the platform

<MichaelC> +1, there are a lot of APIs being developed for Web that 
match mobile device features

<jeanne> +1 Chris

<Kim> +1 Chris

Agarrison: It's true that you can do that. Many features are already 
available through things like cordova.

<Henny> +1 Alistair - clearly defining what a mobile application is.

      Revisions to 2.5.3, M029 -




<Kathy> Chris: M029 is applicable to touch when assistive technology is 
turned on

<Kim> Chris: either sequential navigation or iinstead of waiting for 
sequential navigation, on release

<Kathy> Chris: Actions should not be taken on focus

<Kim> Kathy: any known issues, specifics that we can reference?

<Kim> Kathy: like this user agent does not support blah blah blah

<Kim> Chris: too obvious ones voice over and talk back both support same 
navigation mechanisms

<Kim> Chris: trying to ensure that people understand when you're swiping 
on the screen nothing should be activated until you do double tap or 
confirmation action

<Kim> David: I think of this as a failure technique -- somebody fails 
WCAG if they do this. This isn't really native behavior they have to be 
creatively stupid to make this happen. By nature they are going to 
override. I don't think this should be positive technique I think this 
should be a failure technique -- you fail if you do this dumb thing, and 
here's an example of how you can do it dumb and...

<Kim> ...need code example. Has anybody run across applications that 
actually do this

<Kim> Chris: on android the stop dialer does this

<Kim> David: failure technique and make it really clear that this is not 
going to happen if you doing the normal stuff you have to be really 
creative to do this

<Kim> Chris: I agree

<Kim> Chris: going to convert to FM, give it the next FM number

<David> FMXX: Failure of Success Creteria xxx as a result of overriding 
assistive technology in such as way as to activate a control when the 
touch is removed

<David> froma control

<David> thx

    Summary of Action Items

*[NEW]* *ACTION:* jeanne to document discussion on applicability of the 
definition of web content to mobile [recorded in]

    Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.144 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2016/03/10 17:04:58 $

Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems
(617) 325-3966 <> <>
- making speech fly

Blog: Patch on Speech
+Kim Patch
@RedstartSystems <>

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2016 17:08:39 UTC