Principle 4 - Robust (was Re: Help needed with numbering success criteria for WCAG 2.1)

I have mentioned this to Josh off-list, and he suggested I bring this up 
to the wider group: as part of some recent thinking I put together 
around some aspects of the Mobile TF work, I'd like to put forward that 
"Principle 4 - Robust" - which currently is laid out to cover what would 
be "programmatic robustness" - could benefit with being expanded/widened 
in its scope to allow for further SCs that deal with slightly different 
aspects of robustness, such as content/applications being able to adapt 
to different screen orientations/viewport sizes/etc (although as I'm 
writing this, I'm pondering if this is actually more something that 
falls under "Principle 1 - Perceivable").

Any thoughts appreciated.


On 25/06/2016 18:57, wrote:
> Hi all,
> We need to think about how we will number success criteria for WCAG 2.1.
>  We would like to ask for volunteers to look at already-proposed SC and
> spend some time thinking about how they might fit into a new version and
> propose a few options with the pros and cons for each.  We would like to
> discuss this on the July 12 or July 19 call.
> Points raised already include:
>   * People are familiar with the existing forms of the success criteria,
>     so we need to decide whether to keep existing SC text as it
>     currently stands and add additional SC to add to any given SC, or if
>     we feel that it may be better to modify the SC text itself.
>   * We may have new Guidelines as well as new success criteria.
>   * Some changes may include keeping SC text the same but changing the
>     level of the SC (e.g. From AAA to AA)
>   * We may add SC that are at level A, AA, or AAA.
>   * It will be important to think about testing and reporting tools in
>     this process – will the options offered have positive or negative
>     impact on the ability of tools to test and report on conformance?
>   * There is an implied structure to the SC in WCAG 2.0 in that all of
>     the level A SC’s are the low-numbered items under each GL, AA are
>     next, and so on.  If any AAA SC’s move to AA or if any AA SC’s move
>     to A then we will be disrupting that implied order.  This make need
>     to be ok, but is just another consideration.
> So all these things need to be considered carefully. A simple wiki page
> with different options and the discussion of the pros and cons of each
> will be a sufficient deliverable for this investigation. Andrew has  set
> up a page with the basic structure for this purpose, with some
> options:
> Anyone volunteers for working on this? With a view to making a
> recommendation to the group and facilitating a discussion on the
> findings, on the July 12th or 19th?
> Thanks,
> Andrew, Josh, and Michael

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Sunday, 26 June 2016 23:11:04 UTC