MATF Minutes 7 January 2016

MATF Minutes 7 January 2016 link:

Text of minutes: Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    07 Jan 2016

See also: IRC log <>


    Kim, Jeanne, Alan, David, Detlev, Henny, Kathy, agarrison, Jan,
    jon_avila, jeanne


  * Topics <>
     1. Github demo
     2. Review technique assignments
     3. Resuming Touch Size discussion
  * Summary of Action Items
  * Summary of Resolutions


<david_000> test

Kathy: overview: working group feedback by end of this month

      Github demo

<david_000> will you screen share?

<Alan_s> Please provide webex password,thanks

<Alan_s> I have not recieved a github invite

Jeanne: best practice giving key members of the working group access to 
Github directly to save time. Sent invitations inviting everyone become 
editor -- accept invitation and you will have more direct access to the 


Jeanne: two repositories for this group -- the techniques are under last 
year's repo because we started working on these in 2014. That's where 
all the techniques are
... you've got two views of any repo. The Github pages view -- to read. 
The Github repo view you can edit the files. So you have a file to read 
in a file to edit and they are different URLs.
... The readme filein the main repo page has step-by-step directions on 
how to edit a technique
... looking at template, which is in M000. Has code already there. You 
don't need to know HTML in order to edit the technique. Anything that's 
in All Caps something that you should be changing or editing (make sure 
not to edit template file)
... edit anything in capital letters -- title, short name, status -- put 
in the name of your technique and your name, if you have a link to the 
survey etc.
... Click on pencil in top right to edit file -- that's what giving you 
editor capabilities did
... so don't touch the HTML code, but just type replacing capital letters

Jan: is there an easy way to view?

Jeanne: different URL

Jon: the difference is the extension is .io -- after you save look at .io

Jeanne: on the assignments list there are links to both in techniques 
column -- the initial link is read, the one at the end is the edit link
... that link is also on the homepage of the Github repo
... you can go into a forked copy, but it's easier if you use the pencil

Establishing that you need to have permission to use the pencil on the 
main fork -- everyone should have permission. Hover over pencil, if it 
says edit this file you are all set


Jeanne: here's the wiki page with the technique development assignments
... the page also has links to instructions, Github etc.
... There will also be a wiki page link for each technique -- you can 
use that instead of Github. It will be the same template.
... or you can use the wiki page for email, whatever you want

Discussing logistics


Above URL that we were using -- this is going to change



Kathy's link is correct


Kathy: there's a forked copy up there which is going to be going away

<david_000> I'm here...

Jeanne: please don't edit the extension right now -- only edit the 
techniques. Very important. The techniques are in the note repository 
not the extension repository. Only Kathy and I will work on the 
extension category. So everyone else working on just techniques
... this may change in the future but for right now no one else should 
edit the extension
... Paragraph goes right under the success criteria -- trying to avoid 
anyone else having to deal with WCAG XML.
... make sure to just copy and paste text -- no blanket copy and paste. 
Make sure to avoid making any changes to the code

Kathy: any other issues or questions about this?
... thanks everybody for giving this a try

      Review technique assignments

Kathy: the ones we just signed before the break aren't in the list yet
... in the minutes right before the break
... any questions or concerns about getting your technique done in the 
next two weeks
... I think everyone on this call has been assigned a technique but if 
you don't have one let me know. I'm going to concentrate on writing the 
understanding pieces of the document

Detlev: looking at assignments page -- don't know about M027 error messages

Jeanne: that one belongs to Alistair

Detlev: I just deleted those -- need to be stored in the wiki

Kathy: added techniques for 2.5.1, I need to add those in.
... we are looking at getting the techniques and failures done 
underneath each


Kathy: guideline 2.1 touch and pointer, looking to finish this. Need to 
get the techniques done in the next two weeks so we can review so the 
WCAG working group can start looking at it
... questions

Alistair: M0015?

Kathy: concentrating on touch and pointer -- going down list

<david_000> drop in a link

Jon: doing 2.5.3 failure

Alistair: taking M0015

Kathy: will send email to the list with the assignments

Technique Development Assignments link:

will be updated

      Resuming Touch Size discussion

<david_000> december discussions

Kathy: android says 48 DP and iOS says pixels --

<jon_avila> I got kicked off the call

so did I


<jon_avila> * me either

<Alan_s> my call keeps dropping also

David: 44 pixels very specific in iOS context

Kathy: a pixel is the visual angle, DP is the same at some distance -- 
common confusion point
... someone else has a conversion one DPI equals .75 pixels

<Kathy> ldpi: 1 dp = 0.75 px mdpi: 1 dp = 1 px hdpi: 1 dp = 1.5 px 
xhdpi: 1 dp = 2 px xxhdpi: 1 dp = 3 px xxxhdpi: 1 dp = 4 px

Kathy: depends on resolution, depends on device


Kathy: link showing conversions

<jon_avila> * I have to jump off as I have another meeting.

Jan: there's a way once the device has told you how far it assumes from 
the person's eyes to convert

Kathy: may be more research on this so we can pick up and talk about 
this next time -- I'll do more research as well. I'll also send out the 
list of assignments and techniques that we've got so far and we can go 
from there.

Jeanne: I added five more techniques to the chart and five new blank 
templates to github

    Summary of Action Items

    Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.144 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2016/01/07 17:05:42 $

Received on Thursday, 7 January 2016 17:20:11 UTC