ACTION-47 proposal for inclusion of Pointer in the Understanding of 2.5

Here is a proposal for rewriting 2.5 Understanding to include Pointer.  
It can be viewed in context in Github:
or in text following.

[Proposed text for Understanding] Some devices such as a mobile device 
are designed to be primarily operated via gestures made on a 
touchscreen. Other devices can be operated by a number of different 
devices, such as a pen, stylus, or mouse, which may be generically 
referred to as a pointer [link to definition]. This section also applies 
to pointer events on non-mobile platforms.

Mobile device design has evolved away from built-in physical keyboards 
(e.g. fixed, slide-out) towards devices that maximize touchscreen area 
and display an on-screen keyboard only when the user has selected a user 
interface control that accepts text input (e.g. a textbox). Pointer 
devices such as stylus, pen or pencil have also gained popularity for 
providing more precise touch. The mouse has been popular on desktop 
computers for decades.

Except where specifically noted, touch is assumed to also include 
pointer devices.

Definition of Pointer is from W3C Recommendation of 24 February 2015: 
Pointer Events:
A hardware agnostic representation of input devices that can target a 
specific coordinate (or set of coordinates) on a screen, such as a 
mouse, pen, or touch contact.

On 4/21/2016 11:40 AM, Mobile Accessibility Task Force Issue Tracker wrote:
> ACTION-47: Rewrite the intent to include pointer. (Mobile Accessibility Task Force)
> On: Jeanne F Spellman
> Due: 2016-04-28
> If you do not want to be notified on new action items for this group, please update your settings at:

Received on Friday, 22 April 2016 14:43:22 UTC