MATF Minutes 26 March, 2015

MATF Minutes 29 January 2015 link:

Text of minutes:1 <>
Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    26 Mar 2015


See also: IRC log <>


    David_McDonald, Henny_Swan, Alan


  * Topics <>
     1. Comments on note
     2. Use Cases
     3. New work on input methods
  * Summary of Action Items


<trackbot> Date: 26 March 2015

<Kathy> trackbot, start meeting

<trackbot> Meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 26 March 2015

<Kathy> meeting: Mobile A11Y TF

<Kathy> chair: Kathy

<scribe> scribe: jon_avila

      Comments on note

kw: Take some time to look at new comments and comments that come in on 
github. Start with EO comments. KP will look to see where we left off.


I'm pretty sure we covered 2.1

kw: Pick up at 1.2.2 at authoring tools. Give example of what an 
authoring tool is.


kw: will start at 2.2. Zoom and magnfication
... comment to design and develop with these features in mind
... multiple ways that we can provide this. Building it in could be one way.

Jan: thinks this is clear in our document.


jan: unclear where they got the idea that we are saying that the 
document doesn't cover browser options.

kw: maybe we could add something in.

jan: First bullet already covers this.
... section addresses their concern. Support going back asking for 

kw: will go back and ask for clarification.

<jeanne> JS: I recommend responding that we feel that the concerns have 
been addressed in the wiki.

detlev: Perhaps we should describe what browsers need to do to support 
font enlargement

mikeP: Doesn't highlight that there are good and bad ways of using the 

detlev: say browser vendor wants to know if there is value in adding 
font size adjustment to browser. Who is this aimed at? Web content 

jan: one option is where we talk about OS setting we could drop the 
capitalization as the commenter suggests

MikeS: perhaps we have the bullet reversed. Perhaps we should say this 
is what you should this is what you shouldn't do. We could split. We 
should talk about text resize first and then talk about about blocking 
pinch zoom.

kw: All agree to change capitalization
... MikeS can you walk Jeanne through moving the bullets around and she 
will make changes.

mikeS: Change phrase with 200% to say at least 200%

<jeanne> Use techniques that support text resizing without requiring 
horizontal panning. Relying on full viewport zooming (e.g. not blocking 
the browser's pinch zoom feature) requires the user to pan horizontally 
as well as vertically. While this technique meets the success criteria 
it is less usable than supporting text resizing features that reflow 
content to the user's chosen viewport size.

<jeanne> Use techniques that support text resizing without requiring 
horizontal panning. Relying on full viewport zooming (e.g. not blocking 
the browser's pinch zoom feature) requires the user to pan horizontally 
as well as vertically.

<jeanne> Ensure that the browser pinch zoom is not blocked by the page's 
viewport meta element so that it can be used to zoom the page to at 
least 200%. Restrictive values for user-scalable and maximum-scale 
attributes of this meta element should be avoided. While this technique 
meets the success criteria it is less usable than supporting text 
resizing features that reflow content to the user's

<jeanne> chosen viewport size.


detlev: varying options may exist -- for example could offer desktop 
view with breakpoints.

jeanne: New CSS item called snappoints which allow authors to put in 
points that allow the user to snap to certain points while scrolling.

<Mike_Pluke> +1

MikeS: We should be consistent when referring to OS and platform

<Jan> Support for system fonts that follow platform level user 
preferences for text size. -> Support for OS text accessibility 
settings. For web applications this will depend on browser support.

<Alan_Smith> Sorry, I'm late. Was overbooked.

<Jan> Support for system fonts that follow platform level user 
preferences for text size. -> Support for OS text accessibility 
settings. For web content this will depend on browser support.

<Kathy> +1

<Detlev> +1

<Alan_Smith> +1

<Mike_Pluke> +1

<HSwan> +1

<marcjohlic> +1

<Kim> +1

ja: say text size settings instead of accessibility text settings.

kw: Can we just say OS text size settings?


<Jan> Support for system fonts that follow platform level user 
preferences for text size. -> Support for OS text size settings. For web 
content this will depend on browser support.

<Alan_Smith> +1

<tbabinszki> +1

mikeS: Change phrase geared toward to say designed for specific population.

kw: any objections?
... Discussion of point size. Commenter suggests changing point size to 
more generic text size.
... comment applies to 2.3

dm: point size refers to 1/72 of an inch on the users device.

detlev: can we talk about measuring on-screen

jan: who hold mobile device closer

detlev: users with low vision may hold device closer just like they look 
closer at monitor


<David> Note 3: The actual size of the character that a user sees is 
dependent both on the author-defined size and the user's display or 
user-agent settings. For many mainstream body text fonts, 14 and 18 
point is roughly equivalent to 1.2 and 1.5 em or to 120% or 150% of the 
default size for body text (assuming that the body font is 100%), but 
authors would need to check this for the particular...

<David> ...fonts in use. When fonts are defined in relative units, the 
actual point size is calculated by the user agent for display. The point 
size should be obtained from the user agent, or calculated based on font 
metrics as the user agent does, when evaluating this success criterion. 
Users who have low vision would be responsible for choosing appropriate 

<Mike_Pluke> +q

mikeP: went through these argument in the EU standard. Avoided using 
points. Only way to go on large size and then rely on definitions

kw: Any objections to change to large text instead of points?
... hearing none we will make that change and close that out.
... will come back to this conversation next week


<Mike_Pluke> -q

      Use Cases

kw: Have a small list of mobile use cases. If you think of other things 
from user perspective put them in so we can make sure we cover needs of 
different people with disabilities and how they interact with their 
devices to make sure we have everything covered and cover all the 
necessary techniques.
... Please take a look and see if you can add use cases.

      New work on input methods

kw: Had good discussion at CSUN on different input techniques. We need 
to create list of important techniques/best practices that we need to 
create for each of these areas.
... Perhaps we'd put in placeholder where we could link off to for 
future editions of this document. Is that correct Jeanne?

jeanne: Yes, that is correct. We could probably link to wiki pages where 
we are doing the work of drafting the content.

kw: discussion on charters. Once those are complete we should know more 
about direction of how and where things are going to look like.
... Like us to concentrate on techniques and best practices.
... focus on web first (sites and web apps)
... Brainstorm now into github. We will pick this up next week.
... will setup survey where we can start talking about different 
techniques. Focus on section #3 operable.
... thanks everybody.

    Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.140 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2015-03-26 16:02:05 $


Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems, Inc.
(617) 325-3966 <>
- making speech fly

Blog: Patch on Speech
+Kim Patch
Twitter: RedstartSystems <>

Received on Thursday, 26 March 2015 16:21:07 UTC