MATF Minutes 4 June, 2015

MATF Minutes 4 June, 2015 link:

Text of minutes:

  Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    04 Jun 2015

See also: IRC log <>


    marcjohlic, Kimberly_Patch, Jeanne_Spellman, Jon_Avila,
    Detlev_Fisher, Mike_Pluke, Mark_Johlic, Alan
    Jan_Richards, Mike_Shebanek, David_McDonald, Henny_Swan


  * Topics <>
     1. Best Practices - Robust
     2. set data entry to type of keyboard required
  * Summary of Action Items


<trackbot> Date: 04 June 2015

<Mike_P> Webex is asking for a meeting password - I don't see that on 
the invite

      Best Practices - Robust



<scribe> scribe: jon_avila

      set data entry to type of keyboard required

jeanne: need to note that it can be less accessible for some but more 
accessible for others
... could be issue for overlays, etc or people who predict layout
... for most people it will be an improvment -- people with mobility issues

kim: note is good idea

detev: rethink what moving from robut to perhaps input assistance 
guideline 3.3

kim: could be situation where developer has narrowed field to small and 
cut out option such as speech users being able to input
... developers may not be aware of input possibilities

detlev: good example with email to add @ sign and remove space. But 
other situations could be problematic.

jeanne: on iOS can usually change keyboard

kim: what happens when field can't handle input but speech is enabled 
and can input a space.

jon_avila: situation could arise where a keyboard doesn't support an 
input method such as paste but others would -- this could affect users 
of speech or other input methods.

alan: iOS keyboard only always shows caps. Android changes.

detlev: Seems like user agent guidelines item. Not sure how much control 
author has over keyboard.

<jeanne> Jeanne will add this discussion to the User Agent Capabilities 

kim: speech users may be in app but issue a global command. With phones 
you typically are in narrow context -- but on Android you can have two 
things open at once.
... Might want to do something more than what the keyboard would show. 
Let the user control.

detlev: perhaps that beyond the advice or techniques that we give.

Kim: good to make people aware of the situations. Connected with 
consistency of commands.
... any other best practices related to setting virtual keyboard?

detlev: Perhaps hints or other native techniques that could be useful
... could fit under 4.1.2

kim: asks question about switch users and how changes to on-screen 
keyboard affects them and timing/consistency

jeanne: more future oriented to have people support better semantics of 
input type

kim: how does the user opt out?

jeanne: seems that should be at the UAAG level
... could support authors are aware of the variety of potential input 
such as a physical keyboard.

<scribe> scribe: jon_avila

* I got kicked out of IRC but now I am back

detlev: harder to provide text input on mobile -- screen is small and 
the user may be zoomed in.

kim: are we talking about letters, numbers, characters?
... correcting data entry is also part of it.

detlev: Could also be providing input that has microphone button to 
support entry by voice

kim: can't backspace with speech

jeanne: Platform issue.

kim: Different input methods have different abilities
... gesture input may be limited

alan: easy is ambiguous term that is hard to test

kim: Are we looking for techniques that accommodate all methods?

detlev: good to have more than one way.

Mikep: multiple ways to support input modalities

<Detlev> Jon: Specifying the input method can be tricky by being 
unnecessarily restrictive

<Detlev> Jon: Having the date picker could mean not having the mic

kim: some input methods breakdown quickly. We need consistency -- but 
many things are controlled by the platform

detlev: thinking of suggestion list that has an added advantage. Would 
not take aways ability but add to it. Good general technique. Not sure 
where it might fit.

kim: don't want to narrow the input abilities

jeanne: is a platform bug

<Kim> chair: Kimberly_Patch

<Kim> present Kimberly_Patch, Jeanne_Spellman, Jon_Avila, Detlev_Fisher, 
Mike_Pluke, Mark_Johlic, Alan

    Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.140 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2015/06/04 16:22:58 $


Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 18:42:02 UTC