Mobile A11y Task Force Minutes - July 16

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KW: Review technique assignments - how are people doing? Does anyone need
any help with anything?

KW: Don't need to use GitHub - feel free to send techniques over in another
format if needed

KW: Anyone plan to have any done for next week?

HS: Expect to - got sidetracked in GitHub

MJ: Assumed it's OK to submit partial techniques that may need some of the
areas fleshed out?

KW: Yes - we can then either work as a group to flesh out the ideas - or
pair folks up to work on finishing the technique

DM: Is everyone getting assigned techniques?


KW: Yes, listed on Technique Development page

KW: Feel free to edit this page and mark any that you want to tackle - or
if you come up with any that we might be missing, add those.

DM: OK, I see I'm signed up for a couple


TOPIC: Survey


TOPIC: Providing adequate touch target size / Ensuring that touch targets
are large enough to touch accurately without magnification

KW: Take a few minutes to read over M002 and we'll discuss

KW: Let's talk about touch target size and what we should be recommending
in here

KW: Currently we have 9 mm x 9 mm

HS: I went through Android and came up w/ 9 x 9 - and in some independent
user studies came up with the same thing

HS: We looked at all the different forms of guidance out there and came up
with 9 x 9

MJ: Just trying to understand how this plays out on all devices - tablets
to wearables - I guess the fingertip size stays the same, so that's why
this makes sense?

KW: Do we need to explain a bit more on how / why we came up with 9x9?

DM: Yes, we have quite a bit of this type of information in 1.4.3 Contrast
(minimum) - to back up the findings

HS: There is some proprietary information in the BBC guidance. At the
moment it's not publishable, but can check to see if there is a willingness
to share with the group and make it public

KW: We need to add in some more language and references as to how we came
up w/ the 9 mm x 9 mm number

HS: For the Test Procedures - how do you go about actually measuring this,
because you may have something that is actually smaller than 9x9, but has a
target area around it that meets the 9x9

Jan: I was thinking about the clearances as well - so when you say there is
a clearance around it I see two possibilities: 1) white space around it
that when touched does not do anything at all and 2) area around it that
when touched goes to the same place

HS: Yes, more 2 - where the area around it would go to the same place

Jan: Test procedure was to have the focus borders come on - and to measure
around those. Using VO or something that forces a visual indicator around
the area

HS: So maybe we have something that talks about measuring on a desktop vs
on a touch screen - and then have a statement that this testing is done
during the design phase

KW: How does this get measured in the design phase?

HS: Via tools that are in apps such as Photoshop etc - and then added into
the style guide

KW: If we go down this path, we'll be defining test procedures per devices
- any issues with that?

HS: Could talk about whether device gives a border or not

KW: Do we know if the border that VO provides actually is the border - or
if it expands it?

Jan: iOS only has a keyboard interface when VO is on, but Android has
keyboard interface w/o Talkback

KW: We could add some description on why a screen reader may be needed for
this testing

+1 to KW

KW: NOTE - we should remove screen reader reference in the User Agent notes

KW: Also didn't think the information about the top strip on iOS device
really belonged in here because we're talking about web content. This is a
technique for web developers and they have not control over that.

KW: NOTE - Recommendation is to remove those non-web references from the

KW: NOTE - refer to survey responses for further comments, suggestions,
feedback, changes, edits


TOPIC: MOO3 - 2. Activating elements via the touchend event

KW: Take a few mins to review

KW: Several comments in the survey. Alan entered an example about touch
target being too close. Mike had some recommendations on Test procedures

Jan: There are other actions that cause response - such as click - so
naming it after specific events are we ruling others out?

Jan: Is it too specific?

Jan: Should this be limited to actions that cause change of context?

Jan: Should the same advice apply to keydown vs keyup?

Jan: I did a bit of testing on my Gmail app - tends to respond on down - so
there's one way you could interact similar to the old mouse menus where you
could touch and drag down. So if it didn't do that - and only shows on the
up event it would rule those out

HS: I can go back through this one in more detail - just know that it is a
very big problem for users

KW: Maybe we can come back and discuss this one next week. Kim will be back
and others will have more time to look at it.

KW: Any other thoughts or feedback on this one? Other research we shoudl
look into?

KW: OK - will leave this one open and will look into again next week


On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 8:00 AM, Kathy Wahlbin <> wrote:

>  The next Mobile A11y Taskforce meeting will be this *Thursday, **July 16
> at **11 AM Eastern*  (Length: 1 hour).
> Join WebEx meeting
> <>
> Meeting number:         646 316 248
> Meeting password:       Please obtain your meeting password from your
> host.
>  Join by phone
> *+1-617-324-0000 <%2B1-617-324-0000>* US Toll Number
> Access code: 646 316 248
> *Agenda:*
> 1.       Status of writing techniques
> *2.       *Survey - *Please
> take some time and respond to the survey prior to the meeting.*
> Thanks!
> Kathy & Kim
> Mobile Accessibility Taskforce Facilitators
> *Kathleen Wahlbin *CEO & Founder
> *Interactive Accessibility*
> *T* (978) 443-0798  *C* (978) 760-0682 *E*
> <>
> *The Accessibility ExpertsTM*

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2015 17:21:14 UTC