MATF Minutes 15 January, 2015

MATF Minutes 15 January 2015 link:

Text of minutes:1 <>

  Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    15 Jan 2015


See also: IRC log <>


    Kim_Patch, Alan_Smith, Kathy_Wahlbin, Michael_Cooper, Marc_Johlic, Jan
    Kathy & Kim


  * Topics <>
  * Summary of Action Items


<trackbot> Date: 15 January 2015

<Kathy> trackbot, start meeting

<trackbot> Meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 15 January 2015

<Kathy> meeting: Mobile A11Y TF

trackbot, start meeting

<trackbot> Meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 15 January 2015

<scribe> chair: Kathleen_Wahlbin

Kathy: I like to keep the survey open for another week and have everyone 
go through the different sections if you can during the rest of the time 
of this meeting. a couple of things to talk about first
... there are number of sections of the note that just have bullet 
points that need to be converted to pross. If you have time this week it 
would be great if we can get some of those done.
... appendix, need to do some testing this week to see what the support 
level is on mobile
... H45, longdesk -- has anyone done any specific testing to know 
whether it is supported on mobile
... does someone want to take an action to test to see
... within the next couple of weeks

Mark: will test longdesk

Kathy: also need image maps, body of the object, and applets

Mark: can try on iOS

Jan will do longdesk, not Mark

Kathy: does anyone know is smile support -- renders these together
... I'll take that as an action, to see how this is supported on mobile
... has anyone played around with meta refresh?
... I'll take that one too


Kathy: H 83, has to do with target attribute opening up a new window -- 
has anyone tested that
... I'll take that one on
... H 85

Mark: I can try for iOS

Kathy: Michael the other thing I took a look at that we should alert 
Josh and Andrew about is G 144

Michael: on first blush we should keep this is a general technique so we 
should market as an exception. Are you sure there would never be Capchas

Kathy: the name of it specifically calls out a webpage

Kathyathy: I haven't seen Capchas in applications, might be possible

Michael: if you are on a device are you already authenticated
... If captchas were to be used this wouldn't be relevant so retitling 
it is an easy fix. If they weren't used this would be applicable and 
they wouldn't hurt anything.

Kathy: I expect I'll have more questions for the group on specific 
things as we go. I'll have a better update on that next week
... for the mobile node things are looking pretty good. I made a couple 
of changes based on the feedback we got from Jan and Alan, including 
style. Take the rest of the meeting to read through the note. If you 
don't have access to the survey, sections we are working on are Intro, 
B1-5, C1, 2, 3, 5. Read through those sections. Go ahead and make 
grammatical fixes if you catch anything..
... we're still working out the details of the CSUN face-to-face but we 
are meeting on Tuesday, March 3. We are working out the details of 
timing and rooms. We're also setting up so people can also attend 
remotely. Focus of that will be on the next steps -- we should have 
published the noted that time, so we will focus on gaps in the WCAG 
guidelines and where we should do techniques and...
... were we should not do techniques and the WCAG Working group will be 
joining us on that.
... will take the rest of the time if you can fill out the survey, or if 
you can fill out one of the sections in the notes that is bulleted, that 
would be appreciated. Please do take this time to work on the document 
or survey.

Mark: anywhere there are bullet points you are looking to expand on those?

Kathy: some of the sections have bullet points for best practices, but 
some of the sections have bullet points because they are not done. The 
sections I listed the survey are the ones that are completed, the others 
are not done yet. We put in bullet points to indicate what should be 
included. They might not be complete and the bullet points were just a 
placeholder for what we had previously...
... talked about.

    Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.140 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2015-01-15 16:26:57 $



Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems, Inc.
(617) 325-3966 <>
- making speech fly

Blog: Patch on Speech
+Kim Patch
Twitter: RedstartSystems <>

Received on Thursday, 15 January 2015 16:30:30 UTC