Re: Rough draft of some success criteria for a extension guideline "Touch accessible"

On 18/08/2015 15:33, Jonathan Avila wrote:

> IMO Patrick is not specifically talking about conflicting gestures but
> gestures other than the default tap/click gesture.  The problem we are
> running into is that there is no API to define actions on a web page
> that can be used in a device independent fashion.

Ah, Jonathan beat me to it while I was still drafting my reply. In 
essence, this is it. Until some mythical future where we have a rich set 
of device and input agnostic events that signify "intent" are available 
(along the lines of IndieUI events - which are not supported anywhere 
even in their current state, if I'm not mistaken - but much more 
expanded to cover a wider range of intents), there's basically only 
tap/click that can be guaranteed (from an author's point of view) of 
working consistently across different mobile OS/mobile browser/touch-AT 

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 14:48:18 UTC