Minutes from the Mobile Accessibility TF meeting of 9 October 2014


Text of Minutes:

       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

              Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

09 Oct 2014



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2014/10/09-mobile-a11y-irc


           Alan_Smith, Detlev, Jeanne, Kathy_Wahlbin, Kim_Patch,
           TomB, jon_avila

           JanRichards, Brent




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]15 minute discussion to talk about techniques
             people are working on.
          2. [6]Technique Survey (#3 – 6) -
          3. [7]G85
          4. [8]SCR37
          5. [9]NEW survey
          6. [10]G61
          7. [11]G53
          8. [12]G82
      * [13]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 09 October 2014

    <KimPatch> trackbot, start meeting

    <trackbot> Meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force

    <trackbot> Date: 09 October 2014

    <scribe> scribe: jeanne

15 minute discussion to talk about techniques people are working on.

    KW: The WCAG conversation was about using terms that refer to a
    specific device. We should avoid words like "mobile" and
    reference it specifically. We can say "on a device"
    ... That's for General Techniques and HTML Techniques
    ... when we get to the mobile techniques, then we can use
    ... I will look back through the ones we have already done.
    ... Kim has been going through the Techniqes specific to
    mobile, and we will send them back to WCAG if they need
    ... we will get further direction on that when it is ready



    KW: We want to get Techniques written that are specific to
    Mobile before the 18 Nov deadline.
    ... please take assignments from that list, so we are also
    releasing Techniques that are specific to Mobile.
    ... also pick the ones that are most important or higher
    priority for developers to know.
    ... I want everyone to do at least 1 before the Nov deadline,
    so they will get into the next publication.
    ... if you are not comfortable with writing Techniques, if you
    need support, we can work on parts of that during the meeting,
    or pair people up.



    KP: There is a Mobile Technique template

    KW: Any questions on current Techniques/


      [16] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140929_survey/results#xq3

    [no questions]

Technique Survey (#3 – 6) -

      [17] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140929_survey/

    KW: There are several that were accepted as proposed.

    RESOLUTION: Accept G60 as proposed

    <Kathy> [18]https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/G85

      [18] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/G85


    <AWK> all of the differences are marked with @@?

    KP: I see one use of the word "mobile"

    JA: We could use "small screen device" because the error would
    not be visible onscreen.

    KP: What about vibration? This is a very specific instance, and
    it is strange to think of a device with vibration that isn't a
    mobile device.

    It could be a wearable with vibration

    AWK: What does the vibration have to do with this Technique.

    <Kathy> For example, for a device with a smaller screen an
    inline error may be displayed to indicate that an error has

    <Detlev> Suggested changes, Examples, fourth bullet: may be
    reformulate to: "Client side scripting @@@ or native error
    handling @@@ detects the error and modifies the document to
    provide a text description next to the form fields with the
    error." Third bullet point can then go.

    Detlev: The bullet points look nearly identical. Include the
    option that HTML5 native error handling may also be a part, but
    I don't know if we need to cover it because it is not a
    mobile-related change. Perhaps this should be passed back to
    the working group.

    KW: I think since we have already done it, let's continue to
    send it to WCAAG, but if they disagree, we should remove it and
    not make further changes.

    JA: Not all mobile devices are supporting HTML5 error handling

    KW: We could take it out since it is not specific

    JA: Do we have alerts covered if we remove it? It seems to be
    covered in 1.

    DF: Since you didn't put something in a required field, it
    would give a popup or message that handles the error

    JA: I agree, we don't need to force one

    KW: Agree to remove example #4

    DF: My suggestion is to add "native error handling" and remove
    the phrase on submit, because that is no longer necessary to
    the Technique.

    <AWK> suggest: The client-side scripting or native
    error-handling also modifies the labels of the fields with the
    problems to highlight them and sets the focus on the first

    AWK: The one thing about the 4th bullet, that is moving the
    focus to the first error, that should be moved to the 3rd

    JA: If we are thinking about a situation with bullet 4 simply
    as you tabbed around.

    KW: We were thinking of mobile device without a list of errors
    at the top of the screen, so we were thinking about how to
    display error messages on a small screen.

    JA: An example of the user exiting the field with the
    validation done at that time, with focus returning to the
    ... it isn't unique to mobile. It would take more scrutiny and
    need more agreement if we did put it in?

    AWK: Either way works for me. There is an error, and when the
    user moves focus away from that field, it displays the error
    and moves the focus back for them.

    DF: I would also change "and moves on to the next field"
    instead of Submit

    JA: We are morphing the example and moving away from the user
    Submit the form. We need both.
    ... so we can change bullet 3 back to the server side scripting

    Alan: putting the @@ around the modified text really helps us
    to see it.

    JA: I think we need to send this back for more work?

    KW: We will leave this and Jon will write a new example.


    KW: Jan hadsuggested leaving it open and suggested it be left

    KP: Can we say "swipe gestures" so it is less necessary to say


    KW: ARe there some proposaed changes?

    <KimPatch> should remove (including mobile devices)

    JA: #3 says the dialog is next in the focus order, or we could
    say, focus is moved

    DF: That's the same thing - one is developer viewpoint, other
    is user.

    Alan: would a reading focus make a difference?

    jA: There has to be a way of closing the
    ... dialog box. I don't know how specific we should get. There
    are many ways to handle it.

    KP: should we note the change?

    KW: We have to keep a clean copy for WCAG. It should go in the

    KP: The History is good to keep track so we don't repeat the
    same discussion later.

    JA: The View History page in the wiki will show who updated the
    page and what was updated

    KP: But it is harder to do it.
    ... it's a matter of what is more important. If we don't need
    it, then clean it up.

    DF: I wonder if we need to include the closing part which talks
    about closing in a device-independent way. IT isn't in the Test
    Procedure now.

    KW: The description is very keyboard focused.
    ... if we are going to change the other language, which should
    also fix that it isn't a physical keyboard.

    JA: It has many other issues that go beyond mobile that need to
    be addressed?

    KW: AMK, should we send this to WCAG?

    AWK: Yes, that should work. It would be helpful to point it out
    and WCAG will ask for someone to amend it.
    ... we won't tell you not to make suggestions beyond mobile

    JA: I want us to focus on mobile than try to fix all the issues
    around forms and dialog.

    DF: I think we should include swiping for gestures?

    KW: I think it has more issues.

    DF: I will make a list of things we should change. Others can
    make suggestions to what else needs changing.

    KW: Put it in the status area up top, and list suggestions for
    WCAG WG to address.
    ... we are trying to make sure it doesn't exclude mobile. We
    want to look at it in a device independent way that doesn't
    exclude mobile.


      [19] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20141007_survey/results

NEW survey [20]https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20141007_survey/

      [20] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20141007_survey/


    DF: Do we want to include something on small screen that
    changes orientation? It changes order.

    KW: It doens't change order in that orientation

    <jon_avila> Did we finish talking about g53 from the prior

    KW: We do have a phrase that includes orientation

    RESOLUTION: G61 is accepted as proposed.


    JA: The purpose of the technique, is that the focus stays on
    the link while reading the context. I don't know any way that
    would work on Android on iOS.

    DF: That is correct. You have to move the focus and bring it
    back. It is easy for an experienced user, but it is true.

    KW: We could add that to the user notes.

    [group agrees]

    <Detlev> +1

    <Alan_> Sorry, I had to step away for a few minutes, I'm back.

    RESOLUTION: G53 accepted as amended.



      [21] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20141007_survey/results

    DF: The description of the Canvas game sentence didn't make
    sense to me.

    G82 is amended according to comments on the survey

    KW: Reminder to work on new mobile Techniques so we can have
    some on the next WCAG release.

    <Detlev> bye

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 9 October 2014 16:44:33 UTC