Minutes from 6th June 2014 MATF call

Please find attached the minutes from our call today.


[image: W3C] <http://www.w3.org/>
- DRAFT -Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference06 Jun 2014

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-mobile-a11y-irc>


*+1.617.577.aaaa, Alan_Smith, Jan, Jeanne, Kathy, Kim_Patch, [IPcaller],
jon_avila, wuwei*


*Kathleen, Gavin, Detlev*





   - Topics <http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-mobile-a11y-minutes.html#agenda>

1.   4. Specify input type for numerical or character data

2.   #5 support characteristic properties for the platforms (font, etc.)

3.   6. Set the virtual keyboard to the type of data entry required (e.g.
date picker, email keyboard with @ sign)

4.   7. Position important elements before the page scroll.

5.   8 group elements that go together.

6.   #9 Keep the page banner short to avoid unnecessary scrolling

7.   10 place buttons where they are easy to access.

   - Summary of Action Items


<*trackbot*> Date: 06 June 2014




*kw:* follow-up discussion on item 13 design clickable objects to look

*jeanne:* Last week we talked about button appearance is inconsistent
across platforms. Talked about testability.
... meet w/ Kathleen, and Alan and talk about different platforms and small
group decided that it was an accessibility issue for people with cognitive

<*jeanne*> http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/IMPLEMENTING-UAAG20/#sc_131

*jeanne:* couldn't find specific WCAG SC but there is a UAAG 1.3.1 and for
1.3.2 requires class of objects with custom appearance and different ways
these can be highlighted.
... small group recommend leave as BP for now because there is no WCAG SC
but reference UAAG 1.3.1 and 1.3.2. Advise to tell author to code them so
they have semantics as buttons that way the platform can change how they
are rendered to appear as buttons.

*kw:* Are you recommending a new name for this?
... suggested new name might help it to fall under WCAG 1.3.1 Info and
... any comments or disagreement? None heard. Thanks for organizing meeting

<*Kathy*> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140512_survey/results#xq5

*RESOLUTION: Modify item #13 from survey text and name and reference UAAG
and be a ST under 1.3.1*

<*jeanne*> New title: Code active elements semantically so they can be
customized by the user agent

*TOPICI:* #4 from Survey
4. Specify input type for numerical or character data

*kw:* wanted to ask about what it was saying - are we talking about HTML5
input type?

*jan:* Thinks it is related to HTML5 semantic input text. Has concern that
user agent needs to be smart about when keystrokes are ignored, e.g.
letters don't enter when it expects number.
... also concerned about format.

*kw:* If we did this specific to HTML5 and then reference techniques for
instructions rather than including it. Would that cover it?

*jan:* possibly technique under 1.3.1

*kw:* agress under 1.3.1

*alan:* what about mobile apps? We could have another technique.

*kp:* question about speech users where app is not listening for what you
are speaking.
... User needs to know what key type app is listening to.

*ja:* SC 3.3.2 may also be relevant to this technique.
... relevant to desktop but more an of an issue to mobile.

*kp:* Affects VO and speech users.

*kw:* put in Jon's point about affecting what keyboard is shown on mobile
device -- will add and see how we can incorporate this into the technique -
will likely require multiple techniques for #4.
#5 support characteristic properties for the platforms (font, etc.)

*kw:* Comments all over the board. Some people may want to focus specific

*jan:* technique should be very granular. How do you program this in iOS
vs. Android. Windows has a high contrast mode whereas other's have invert

<*scribe*> scribe: jon_avila

*kw:* should we break up or keep together? Differences between platforms
would be hard to maintain. If we did this as one, would this be advisory,
best practice, of ST? and what SC?

*jan:* captions are one example of play captions if user has set them. Do
something smart with user settings. Different from SC 1.2

*ja:* UAAG perhaps, also Section 508 type requirement.

*jan:* can generic refer to flags that browsers and apps can set.

*ja:* iOS 8 has new flags to check for user requesting bold text, etc.

*kw:* Mark as new SC/best practice because it currently doesn't map to WCAG
or UAAG, any objections?
6. Set the virtual keyboard to the type of data entry required (e.g. date
picker, email keyboard with @ sign)

*kw:* responses were all over the place?

*jan:* may depend on if it was apps or web.

*kw:* this would apply to native apps as we already have prior one for
... perhaps 4.1.2?
... may not have SC and something we should consider down the road.
7. Position important elements before the page scroll.

*kw:* Detlev says page scroll will vary a lot based on device. Jan had
similar comment.
... no mappings to SC at this point.
8 group elements that go together.

*ja:* h2 sounds a lot like this.

*kw:* Any thoughts on why this might be an advisory?

*jan:* thinking about situations where one group awakens another controls -
a larger relationship.

*ja:* ST under 1.3.1 for grouping links.

*kw:* is this already covered under current ST?

*RESOLUTION: would be to very and make sure we have this covered under
current ST and add a mobile example to those.*
#9 Keep the page banner short to avoid unnecessary scrolling

*kw:* varying comments

*jan:* what's the alternate, there might be times were you want a long

*kw:* anyone disagree with keeping this a bp?
10 place buttons where they are easy to access.

*jan:* concern over width - mm would be better than percents as device
sizes are different.

*kw:* don't see falling under any SC

*ja:* reachability about using with one hand while holding and pressing a
... best practice

*kw:* keep at best practice
... last one to go through for this meeting.
... last call wed did 11,12,13,and 14. Next call we will pick up on #15
from the survey.
... can pick up and talk about iOS and browser settings if you have time.
... Any questions?

list attendees
Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl
<http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm> version
1.138 (CVS log <http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/>)
$Date: 2014-06-06 15:05:01 $
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Found Scribe: jon_avila

Inferring ScribeNick: jon_avila

Default Present: +1.617.577.aaaa, Kathy, Kim_Patch, Jeanne, wuwei,
Jan, [IPcaller], Alan_Smith

Present: +1.617.577.aaaa Alan_Smith Jan Jeanne Kathy Kim_Patch
[IPcaller] jon_avila wuwei

Regrets: Kathleen Gavin Detlev

Found Date: 06 Jun 2014

Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/06/06-mobile-a11y-minutes.html

People with action items:

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Jonathan Avila
Chief Accessibility Officer

703-637-8957 (o)
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Received on Friday, 6 June 2014 15:07:57 UTC