Minutes of the teleconference of 31 January 2014

Minutes in HTML: http://www.w3.org/2014/01/31-mobile-a11y-minutes.html

Text version of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

              Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

31 Jan 2014



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2014/01/31-mobile-a11y-irc


           Kim_Patch, Kathleen, Alan_Smith, Jan, Jeanne, wuwei

           gavin, kathy, david_todd




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Mobile Accessibility Techniques
          2. [6]How wide to we cast the net?
      * [7]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 31 January 2014

    <scribe> scribenick: jeanne

Mobile Accessibility Techniques



    KP: Today we are going to walk through the process of
    evaluating the techniques

    This is #4 in "Work in PRogress" section

    scribe: In the survey, you signed up for one of these sections
    ... there are instructions and samples in the "General
    Techniques" section
    ... what you will do is click the Technique list you signed up
    ... you will see the Instructions, and under that is the list
    of all the Techniques
    ... in the General section, Jeanne did the first 3 as a sample

    KP: If Not Applicable, you will edit the list, and paste the
    code in the box i

    JR: When we are looking at the Techniques, are we seeing these
    as applying to sites with mobile optimized page.
    ... When we are assessing them, what level of mobile
    optimization should we be thinking?

    KP: We want all levels.
    ... change that to a "requires changes" -- [gives instructions
    for requires changes]

    Alan: It's important to consider all kinds of mobile devices

    <Jan> Instructions ok

    Kathleen: I don't know what you mean by the [[ ]] and don't
    include the colon

    JS: we are trying to create a list where we can all see what
    needs to be worked on.
    ... and then create a new page for a Technique that needs more

How wide to we cast the net?

    JR: I think we will have very few "not applicable", a lot of
    "applicable as is" and then a group of "requires changes"

    KP: I think if it applies broadly, we should mark it as
    requires changes and then put it in the comments.

    JR: I think we have to be very careful about marking existing
    WCAG techniques as not APplicable.
    ... for example, saying keyboard doesn't apply to mobile is not
    ... be careful about marking things as not applicable, because
    there will be very very few that actually are not applicable.
    ... beware of stereotypes of mobile

    Alan: I think when we look at different devices and screens,
    we have to be very careful of saying "not applicable"

    JS: Should we remove the "not applicable" and only work with
    "as is" and "changes"

    ALan: I think we can keep it, but use it very rarely.

    JS: I worry that people not in this meeting may not understand
    the context we have been discussing

    ALan: Put a note in the instructions

    KP: Next time people will have more experience and things will
    come up.

    JS: There will be a meeting on 5th to coordinate with other
    task forces who are working on the Techniques
    ... that Kathy and Kim will be attending

    <Alan_> Alan will work on his items over the weekend so you
    have supporting documentation for your Wednesday meeting with
    the other workgroups.

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 31 January 2014 15:44:44 UTC