Mobile A11y Meeting Minutes January 17

Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
17 Jan 2014


See also: IRC log<>

Kim_Patch, Kathy_Wahlbin, +1.720.663.aaaa, Alan_Smith, DavidTodd, +1.910.278.aabb, Kathleen, +1.917.887.aacc, Michael_Cooper, Karen_McGrane, Jeanne, wuwei

  *   Topics<>
     *   MATF Deliverables discussion starting with survey<>
     *   Discussion on Mobile Accessibility Techniques<>
     *   Resource List - what should we do to get this ready for publication?<>
  *   Summary of Action Items<>


<trackbot> Date: 17 January 2014

<Alan_> Will need to drop around 10:30 or 10:45 as I am presenting Windows 8 touch functionality to my company



<KimPatch> scribe: DavidTodd

Kathy: Review last week topics.


MATF Deliverables discussion starting with survey

Kathy: Do we agree with list of deliverables?
... We should include native app techniques.

<jeanne> WCAG2ICT <-

Kathy: Add itc documents to number 1.
... is mobile referenced in itc doc?

<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to research wcag2ict to find the sections related to mobile. [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-5 - Research wcag2ict to find the sections related to mobile. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-01-24].

Kathy: Why was mobile not called out in itc doc?

Jeanne: We can't add mobile to itc doc but we can add a note.
... Make it clear that we plan to write new techniques.
... Clean up the personaes.

Kathy: Blog will document settlement agreements and other legals issues. Should we add a link to it?

Group: We agree a link to settlement agreements should be added.

<Kathy> ACTION: Kathy to add settlement agreement link to accessibility resources [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-6 - Add settlement agreement link to accessibility resources [on Kathleen Wahlbin - due 2014-01-24].

Kim: Regarding personas, we should create a survey to develop.

Group: will move forward with creating a survey.

Kathy: Second item - develop personas.
... review existing and develop new personas.
... Create a matrix tools people are using on mobile.

Kim: Include what people use the technologies for.
... Create use cases for tools.

Kathy: Survey cannot be statistically valid.

<Alan_> They switched me to the first presenter. Need to drop now. Sorry.

Jeanne: Look at existing survey tools.

Kathy: We should look at existing surveys but develop our own.

<jeanne> Jeanne: Another challenge with personas are the people with multiple disabilities

Kathy: Personas (how many should we develop?)

Karen: More isn't necessarily better.
... Common behaviors is important to capture.
... Probably over 12 personas is too many.

<jeanne> +1 to <12 personas and focus on similarities

Kim: Lots of people with different needs.

Kathy: Keep personas to a manageable number.
... Karen,how do you develop personas?

Karen: Interviews(12 or more) then put out a survey. Capture full scope of some of the findings. Results must be manageable. Must capture range of variations.

Kathy & Jeanne: List of deliverables looks great.

Kathy: Run the list of deliverables by the working group.

Discussion on Mobile Accessibility Techniques

Kathy: We plan to write new techniques.
... Native apps vs. Web apps (should they be separate?).
... Should we create new techniques or add to existing ones?

Jeanne: They should be part of WCAG but be tagged for easy identification.

Kim: That makes sense.

Kathy: Can tag an existing techniques with mobile tags.

<jeanne> jeanne: and do gap analysis of where new techniques are needed.

Kathy: Start with existing list of techniques and identify where mobile should be included.
... Get volunteers to go through existing techniques to do gap analysis.
... There are a number of technologies documented in WCAG (html, css, flash, etc.).


Kathy: Posted a link to techniques that are being worked on.
... What's the best way to go through the techniques?

Jeanne: Look at success criteria first.

Kim: Set up a wiki page to collect our work.

Kathy: Start with success criteria first.
... Someone want to take 1.1.1?


<jeanne> HOw to Meet <-

Kath: Look at techniques under success criteria first.

Jeanne: Start with Jeanne's link.
... Jeanne's page makes it clear about what to do.

Group: Discussing procedure to document mobile gap analysis.

Kathy: WCAG guidelines don't change, the techniques do (for mobile).
... Copy entire technique, change it, send to working group for approval.
... Identify which techniques apply to mobile. Don't want to get into specifics of what's to be added right now.

Jeanne: Okay to put examples and notes in changes.

Group: Everyone would benefit by seeing an example.

<jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne and Kim to create an example of WCAG technique edit page [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-7 - And kim to create an example of wcag technique edit page [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-01-24].

Jeanne & Kim: Will create an example.

Resource List - what should we do to get this ready for publication?

Kathy: What should we include in resources to get it ready for publications?
... Use same format as on W3C sight, provide creation date, provide description.

Jeanne: Propose how the page should be updated.


Kathy: Can someone add in source, format, creation date.

Kim: Most of resources are self explanatory.
... Will look at them regarding description.
... A lot of the don't need dates (e.g., Web pages). The ones that need dates are documents and videos.


Kim: 16 Dec 2012 is the correct date format.
... A lot of work to format.

Jeanne: Formatting provides meta data but usability suffers.

Group: Will not format resources.

Alan & Kim: will work on resources.

<Kathy> 2. trackbot, end meeting

<Kathy> trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Jeanne and Kim to create an example of WCAG technique edit page [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: jeanne to research wcag2ict to find the sections related to mobile. [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Kathy to add settlement agreement link to accessibility resources [recorded in]

Received on Friday, 17 January 2014 16:09:02 UTC