Minutes of MATF teleconference of 7 February 2014

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       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

              Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

07 Feb 2014

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2014/02/07-mobile-a11y-irc


           Kim_Patch, Kathy_Wahlbin, Alan_Smith, Jeanne, DavidTodd,
           Kathleen, Detlev, alistair, wuwei, Jan





      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Personas Survey Questions
          2. [5]Mobile Accessibility Techniques Status
          3. [6]Mobile Resources
      * [7]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 07 February 2014

    <Alan_> Kathy did you get my email that I cannot scribe today?
    Gmail must have been down.

    I can scribe

    <Kathy> scribe: Detlev

Personas Survey Questions

    Kathy: currently aligning mobile a11y TF aligning with other
    ... Next Tues get together with WCAG WG group to co-ordinate
    work on techniques



    Kathy: Alan & Gavin looking at questions to be entered into
    survey for use of mobile
    ... Suggests reading through draft survey to then decide where
    we want to go

    Kathleen: Include Q about the kind of devices people had tried

    Kathy: Purpose is to collect information on actual use of
    devices by users with disabilities, what combination
    ... Create personas from that information

    Sorry I missed this...

    Kathy: Survey still very much a draft

    David: contact info should be included upfront (optional)

    <jeanne> q* to add country to demographics

    Kim: Maybe have an open-ended Q at the end (anything else you
    want to say?)

    <jeanne> I think you get the best info from the open-ended.

    Ki: How do people feel about that?

    David: Good idea

    Alan: agrees

    Kim: Hardware a big problem for ppl using speech recognition -
    should have Q on hardware specs

    Alistair: Q Does the device have buttons 2. Do you prefer using
    buttons over touchscreen?

    Jeanne: Country of origin should be included to be able to look
    fpr geographic differences

    Kathy: What should be the best length of the survey?
    Suggestions? Could get too legthy..

    Kathleen: At the beginning Survey should tell users how long it
    takes to fill out, approx.
    ... Are we usein gW3C surve ymechanism?

    Kathy: Not decided yet. Has advantages and disadvantages

    Kathleen: Would be good to be able to suspend and resume survey
    later (next day)
    ... Could be tyring to do it all at once

    Alistair: Should be working on mobile phone (??)

    Kathy: Survey should be turned into final draft with survey
    (for feedback)
    ... (will edit for next meeting)
    ... We need to recruit people to actually respond to survey.
    Any suggestions how to get people to respond?

    Jeanne: Get in touch with Simon Harper (more EU based) to get
    contacts to distribute

    Alan: Any a11y-specific grouls that may be contacted?

    <jeanne> Andrew Arch can get contacts in Australia

    <jeanne> I have a contact with Hong Kong Union for the Blind

    Kathy: Look at grouos worldwide to see who can distribute that

    I can use our network to distribute via INCOBS and Hoerkomm
    projects in germany

    Kathleen: Use Twitter with a11y hashtag

    Alan: Also has contacts to groups online to distribute

    Alistair: is it needed in muliple languages? Use W3C country
    offices ..
    ... Language can be a barrier

    <DavidTodd> [9]https://www.facebook.com/GAGDF

       [9] https://www.facebook.com/GAGDF

    David: Facebook can be used to make survey better known about

    Kathy: May be more difficult to recruit people in countires
    outside Nortth America
    ... will create a recruiting list in Wiki for groups that can
    be used to post the survey to worldwide
    ... Using multiple languages would recommend a tool that allows
    multi-language surveys

Mobile Accessibility Techniques Status


      [10] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140118_survey/results

    Kathy: W3C Survey to gwet allocated to WCAG Techniques to go
    through them and check whether they need mods



    Kathy: ANy questons?
    ... jsut note whether changes are needed or not
    ... Later work on it in a wiki

    Detlev: Question about change needed for G61

    Kathy: Yes, include if you thionk there *might* be need for

    Kim: Valuable part is thought about why a change may be needed
    (or not)

    Alistair: Also look at W3Cs Best Practices for mobile to ensure
    there is no conflict
    ... Recomms may be in conflict with MBP

    Kim: Jan said BBC has techniques beyond W3C but ordered
    differently - Jan will map BBC techniques to WCAG Success

    Jan; Anyone contacted Henny?

    kathy: Yes

    Jan: Mapping has been done - question is how to display it -
    80% overlap - the most valuable part is specific twchniques for
    iOS, Android etc

    Alistair: Mobile Best Practices currently out of date - wil
    they be updated?

    Kathy There is a group that is working on MBP - we should
    coordinate with them

    Kathy: Q to Jeanne how to get in touch with group working on

    <jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to talk with the W3C group that is
    updating the Mobile Best Practices [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-12 - Talk with the w3c group that is
    updating the mobile best practices [on Jeanne F Spellman - due

    Kathy: Any questions about wor on Techniques?

    David: Should we send findings to group?


      [13] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/General_Techniques

    Kathy: All to be posted on the Wiki - there are specific
    instructions for editing linked from the survey
    ... Kim and Jeanne have gone through some already to get a cue
    on how to do editing work


      [14] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Mobile_Resources

Mobile Resources

    Kathy: Mobile resources - good list already with dates where

    Kim: 8 pages from Andfrew still missing


      [15] http://eightmedia.github.io/hammer.js/



    Detlev: No section on scripting specific stuff like hammer.js
    etc (links above)

    kathy: Just added JavaScript

    Kim: Feel free to add category, if unsure, add it under misc

    wILL DO

    Kathleen: Request to Microsoft still unanswered...



    Kathleen: Stuff on 3rd party add-ons?
    ... Apps on phone, like CodeFactory



    Kathy: we can create a separate section (see link above)
    ... Any further thoughs on resources that are still missing?

    Jeanne: Organisation and hierarchy: should be tagged so it's
    easier to search

    Anyone willing to look into tagging..

    Kathy: Tag things - come up with a common set of tags

    Jeanne: Hard part is to decide how to tag, not the technique

    Kathy: first define tag list

    Kim: Lets put up a Wiki page for tags

    <jeanne> tags should include devices, operating systems,
    assistive technology and disabilities.

    <jeanne> ... everything in our hierarchy should probably be a

    Try to get Heinz Mehrlich to contribute resouces for LV users

    <Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to discuss tagging

    Kathy: We continue to work on WCAG Techniques, finalise user
    survey, still think about additions to Wiki (resources)

    Can someone push the minutes?

    <Kathy> yes

    <Kathy> thanks Jeanne


    <Kathy> Regrets Gavin

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: jeanne to talk with the W3C group that is
    updating the Mobile Best Practices [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 16:06:46 UTC