MATF Minutes 18 December 2014

MATF Minutes 18 December 2014 link:

Text of minutes:1 <>

  Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

    18 Dec 2014


See also: IRC log <>


    Kim_Patch, Jeanne, Michael_Cooper, Detlev, Jan, jon_avila,
    +1.512.276.aaaa, Brent
    Kathleen_Wahlbin, Alan


  * Topics <>
  * Summary of Action Items


<trackbot> Date: 18 December 2014

<scribe> scribe: jon_avila


jeanne: Section 4: discussion on virtual keyboard to type of data entry 

<Brent> zadim, aaaa is really Brent

jeanne: overall very positive things. Issue for people who are using 
phone with VoiceOver changing keyboard for different fields can be an issue.

KP: D1 on the note

jan: calling different variants of the system keyboard. User need to 
know how the system works.

jeanne: not so much about numbers and general text but more of an issue 
for dot and at sign for urls

mc: OS feature and not web app feature

jan: OS features -- perhaps give OS developers advice

jeanne: could this be a UAAG feature to give people an option to 
standardize keyboard

mc: UAAG level thing seems reasonable
... spec on input editors API

<MichaelC> Input Method Editor API <>

mc: separate concerns about how this reacts

kp: any other questions?

<jeanne> +1 to supporting HTML guidelines

kp: any thoughts on d2? auto form fields

detlev: don't see particular issue accessibility wise

jeanne: harder to type on mobile phone

kp: what should we say?

jan: in general not bugging people for info site can determine.

kp: Siri knows who you are -- is there more information that can be 

detlev: issue could exist with information that is filled in incorrectly 
or info user doesn't want.

ja: may allow option to choose from list of choices rather than 
requiring keyboard input

kp: d3 support characteristics of platform

jan: if you have access to check capabilities follow them

jeanne: only recently custom fonts access was made available.

detlev: font resizing varies and implementation varies, a lot of 
differences in support
... sometimes wrapping is handled and sometimes not.

kp: Does this cause a user issue?

detlev: users may need to use different zoom functionality, AT zoom 
versus pinch or text resize

kp: can be a stop because large percent of users can't in practice use 
something, e.g. issue with virtual keyboard and zooming

jeanne: adjust size of caption is something to add

detlev: can provide something on system text resize and the way it is 

kp: do you want to add resize text section?
... what's different about c4 grouping related interactive elements 
together for mobile

detlev: several tab stops one element with labels and hints.
... also issue with grouping link together -- not sure if it belongs 
here - practical design issue.

jan: a problem for desktop too

<jeanne2> Schedule: Jan 27 to WCAG WG

<jeanne2> ... Feb 10, revisions back to WCAG

<jeanne2> ... Feb 17, final approval

<MichaelC> mc: I propose organizing the note by whatever scheme is 
optimal to its content, not trying to organize it around WCAG / UAAG 

<MichaelC> also donīt restrict to advice that maps to WCAG / UAAG 
success criteria

<MichaelC> provide your advice, map (as sufficient or advisory) where 
mappings exist

<MichaelC> what doesnīt map is a gap, and thatīs input into a guidelines 
gap analysis for future work

    Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 
version 1.140 (CVS log <>)
$Date: 2014-12-18 17:04:59 $



Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems, Inc.
(617) 325-3966 <>
- making speech fly

Blog: Patch on Speech
+Kim Patch
Twitter: RedstartSystems <>

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2014 17:22:10 UTC