Techniques G10 and G88 Edits


Suggested Changes

Insert as bullet #3 under Examples heading:

     A mobile web page or app needs to detect the change in screen 
orientation so that the view coordinate system can be recalculated and 
passed to the speech synthesizer. In iOS, the control is written to 
force recalculation of the accessibleElements array once the change to 
didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation method is detected.

Code example
- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:
   self.taskCounterView.accessibleElements = nil;

Suggested Changes

Note: The Technique has already been modified with a bullet point that 
it must be short.

Add Example 5 to the Examples heading

Example 5: A short title on a Mobile site

A Web site that is oriented toward mobile users uses a very short title 
that can easily fit in a smaller screen size. The title for the Login 
page for a blog has the title "Login: Blogname".

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2014 20:07:42 UTC