Re: Mobile A11y Task Force Agenda April 4 - unusual instructions

Thanks Jonathan, Andrew,

Jonathan,  if you could add a note to this effect to the wiki I think 
that will take care of the Flash sections. Best place is probably right 
after the instructions on the Flash techniques 

Many thanks,

On 4/3/2014 12:17 PM, Andrew Kirkpatrick wrote:
> The official line on Flash from Adobe is that it is best suited for 
> video and gaming, and if you need to provide user interface controls 
> or textual information that we recommend using native controls.  With 
> that in mind, I suggest that going through the Flash techniques may 
> not be the best use of your time.
> *From:*Jonathan Avila []
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 03, 2014 12:12 PM
> *To:*;
> *Cc:* Andrew Kirkpatrick; Joshue O Connor;; 
> *Subject:* RE: Mobile A11y Task Force Agenda April 4 - unusual 
> instructions
> It would seem that Flash techniques may not be applicable to mobile as 
> mobile specific platforms no longer provide Flash Player support and 
> Flash Player accessibility was not supported on these platforms.  I 
> know Windows Platforms like the windows 8.x on the Surface Pro would 
> support Flash but this type of configuration is the exception as it's 
> not a mobile specific platform.  It's not clear if Flash accessibility 
> is supported on the Surface RT platform -- to my knowledge it's not.  
> My point being that I don't think need to go through the Flash 
> techniques individually for mobile -- perhaps we could make a general 
> statement.  Perhaps Andrew can clarify any confusion that I may have.
> Jonathan
> *From:*Kim Patch [ 
> <>]
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 03, 2014 11:27 AM
> *To:* <>
> *Cc:* Andrew Kirkpatrick; Joshue O Connor; 
> <>; 
> <>
> *Subject:* Mobile A11y Task Force Agenda April 4 -- unusual instructions
> Greetings!
> We are canceling the formal meeting this week. Instead, we'd like 
> everyone to use the time to go through the remaining WCAG techniques. 
> There are only about 120 more to go. Here's a map of what's done and 
> what needs to be done: 
> The techniques that haven't yet been looked at are broken into 8 
> groups of 15-20 each, and labeled "OPEN". If everyone can take one 
> we'll be done -- if you have a little more time, feel free to take a 
> couple. Replace "OPEN" on the wiki page with your name to take one. 
> Also, feel free to add your comments to any techniques that have 
> already been looked at once. This will speed our process down the line.
> The next Mobile A11y Taskforce meeting will be *Friday April 11  at 
> 10AM Eastern* (Length: 1 hour). One of the agenda items at that 
> meeting will be for Jan to take us through his analysis of the BBC 
> guidelines.
> Thanks!
> Kathy & Kim
> Mobile Accessibility Taskforce Co-facilitators


Kimberly Patch
Redstart Systems, Inc.
(617) 325-3966 <>
- making speech fly

Blog: Patch on Speech
+Kim Patch
Twitter: RedstartSystems <>

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2014 16:48:43 UTC