[Mobile A11y Taskforce] Next Steps and Poll

Hi -

Thank you to everyone who attended the kick off.  We are excited to get this work started and are looking forward to working with all of you.  If you missed the meeting, we will sending the minutes around soon.  If you have any questions please send us an email.

The next meeting will be the first week in December.  We will send out a meeting notice with agenda when the date/time has been determined.

Next Steps:

1.      Determine day of the week and time that will work for most participants.  To determine the weekly meeting, we have set up a Doodle poll (http://www.doodle.com/ti2c533g4468sa59).  This poll has been set up with specific dates but we will be using this information to determine the ongoing weekly meeting so please answer based on your general availability.  If you experience difficulties in using the Doodle poll, please email me the best day/times  for you.  The meeting will be weekly and will be an hour in length.    (Due Nov 26)

2.      Add mobile resources to the WIKI: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Mobile_Resources.  (Due Dec2)

Thank you,

Kathy Wahlbin & Kim Patch

CEO & Founder
Interactive Accessibility

T (978) 443-0798  F (978) 560-1251  C (978) 760-0682
E kathyw@ia11y.com<mailto:kathyw@ia11y.com>

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Received on Saturday, 23 November 2013 23:33:48 UTC