W3C Mobile Accessibility Task Force

Thank you for your interest in the Mobile Accessibility Taskforce.  We're excited to have you part of the taskforce and look forward to working with you!

The Mobile Accessibility Task Force will develop more specific guidance on mobile accessibility related to WCAG and UAAG.[1] The Mobile Accessibility Task Force home page is:


We have three tasks identified so far:

*        Develop mobile techniques for WCAG using HTML5, ARIA, CSS and JavaScript

*        Develop design guidance or mobile web accessibility best practices

*        Review existing resources, including those outside of W3C

Here is a rough outline and timeline of what we currently plan for the Mobile Taskforce to work on over the next year:

*        November - December 2013:   Collect and review all resources on mobile accessibility and add them to the taskforce WIKI.

*        December 2013 - February 2014:   Create a list of WCAG techniques and best practices needed for mobile websites, mobile applications and mobile design.   We will review all techniques already written (including those in development under the HTML5 and ARIA taskforces) and determine what is already covered under a technique and what needs to be written.  In some cases, we may want to suggest modification to an existing WCAG technique to include mobile example or add information about user agent support on mobile.

*        March 2014:  Finalize and prioritize the list of techniques and best practices.

*        April 2014 - December 2014:  Write techniques and best practices.  Completed techniques will be submitted to the WCAG and UAAG working groups for review and approval.  The taskforce will make changes based on the feedback of the working groups and will finalize the techniques and best practices.

We will have the first meeting in November and are looking for a time that will work for all members.  Can you please let us know what meeting time will work best for you by responding to the poll:


Please let us know if you have any questions.


Kathy Wahlbin & Kim Patch

[1] WCAG & UAAG:

* WCAG, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, is introduced at <http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag>.

* UAAG, the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines for browsers and other 'user agents', is introduced at <http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/uaag>.

Received on Friday, 1 November 2013 12:21:22 UTC