Re: W3C Multilingual Web Workshop

Dear Richard Ishida,

Due to some problems with transports in France, I will not be able to
participate to the meeting.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

Best regards,

Samuel Cruz-Lara
INRIA Nancy Grand Est

2010/10/11 <>

> Dear Samuel Cruz-Lara,
> Thank you for registering for the W3C Multilingual Web Workshop in Madrid.
>  We look forward to seeing you!
> Here are some useful links:
> You can find information about how to get to the workshop, and suggestions
> for hotels, etc., at
> The workshop program is at
> All the best, and see you in Madrid.
> Richard Ishida
> Coordinator, MultilingualWeb Project.
> PS: Because the workshop is proving popular, we would be grateful if you
> would send a quick note to Richard Ishida at if you are
> unable to attend, since that may allow us to accept additional
> registrations.

Received on Monday, 18 October 2010 06:22:21 UTC