[Fwd: Re: W3C Mutlilingual Web Workshop]

---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: Re: W3C Mutlilingual Web Workshop
De:     "Lorena hidalgo" <lorena.hidalgo@adesis.com>
Fecha:  Lun, 11 de Octubre de 2010, 1:31 pm
Para:   mlweb-madrid@dit.upm.es

Dear Richard,

Another person frm the company is registered for the event.
His name is Manuel Lavin. He did not receive a confirmation mail, like the
one below.
Can you please confirm that he is registered?

Best regards

Lorena Hidalgo
Adesis Netlife
Edificio América II - La Florida
C/. Proción, 7 - 28023 Madrid
Tel. (+34) 917 102 423

2010/10/8 <mlweb-madrid@dit.upm.es>

> Dear Lorena Hidalgo,
> Thank you for registering for the W3C Multilingual Web Workshop in Madrid.
>  We look forward to seeing you!
> Here are some useful links:
> You can find information about how to get to the workshop, and suggestions
> for hotels, etc., at
> http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/madrid/venue.html
> The workshop program is at
> http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/madrid/program
> All the best, and see you in Madrid.
> Richard Ishida
> Coordinator, MultilingualWeb Project.
> PS: Because the workshop is proving popular, we would be grateful if you
> would send a quick note to Richard Ishida at ishida@w3.org if you are
> unable to attend, since that may allow us to accept additional
> registrations.

Received on Friday, 15 October 2010 14:45:24 UTC