[Madrid] Expression of interest

I wish to attend the workshop The Multilingual Web - Where Are We? 
<http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/madrid/cfp> which W3C 
is organizing in Madrid, 26-27 October 2010.
I received the invitation from *Susan Fraser*, /Communication Officer/, 
*European Commission*, DG Information Society and Media, Unit INFSO/E1 - 
Language Technologies, Machine Translation.

My name is: *Olaf-Michael Stefanov*.
I helped establish, and *am _co-administrator_* for the _*collaborative 
site *_(set up in April 2008)_* of JIAMCATT (the International Annual 
Meeting on Computer-Assisted Translation and Terminology)*_, which 
allows any person who is duly registered and validated as a member of 
the JIAMCATT community to provide information (individual pages), to 
exchange experience (discussion forums), to share resources (file 
galleries), to collaborate on issues of common interest (working 
groups), in short, to continue the dialogue among members between two 
JIAMCATT meetings. This site is almost completely bilingual 
English/French, with some pages also in Arabic, Chinese, German Russian 
and Spanish. Since the JIAMCATT community encompasses most international 
organizations with language services, as well as most languages services 
of the European Union, as well as those of a number of other 
multilateral bodies, along with a number of relevant professional 
organizations as well as individuals from university-level language 
schools, the site should eventually cover all official languages of the 
major international organizations as well as those of the EU. For that, 
though, better, easier-to-use multilingual tools are needed, especially 
also as there are no funds for the creation, maintenance and/or 
translation of any parts of this site.

I also _*co-chair the JIAMCATT Working Group on "Translation Support 
(Tools and Services)"*_ which, among other activities, is actively 
looking into such tools. Besides working through the collaborative 
online site, the group meets approx. 2 times per year, with the next 
meeting in planning for early November 2010.

I am a _*programme chair of the ASLIB "Translating and the Computer" 
conferences *_and will again be co-chairing the 32nd meeting in this 
series, 18-19 November 2010 in London. This meeting is on the 
FP7/ICT/Language Technologies/Calendar of Events.

I was a United Nations staff member for 36 years before my retirement 
from that organization. For a bit more than the last 10 years of that 
time I served as the chief of the Linguistic Support Unit at the United 
Nations Office at Vienna (under 3 different unit names), and helped 
establish VINTARS, the first completely web-based terminology database 
which allowed for the concurrent input, update, query and retrieval of 
terminology in all 6 United Nations official languages, Arabic, Chinese, 
English, French, Russian and Spanish, as well as the host-country 
language, German. During my tenure I also helped introduce a number of 
other innovative procedures and tools. In my roles within JIAMCATT I 
continue to provide advice to that community which includes my former 
long-time employer.

I am also a member of the developers group for the Open Source "Tiki 
Wiki CMS Groupware" software suite which provides many innovative and 
some unique multilingual features for web presences.

My interests for / at this conference:
While the creators and localisers topics would be foremost, all topics 
are of interest and relevance to what I do.

Other potential participants:
[Due to the archiving rules of W3C I cannot provide names or details 
here. I am willing to provide these through non-public channels.]

Kind regards,
olaf-michael stefanov
[contact details also available via-non-public channels on request]

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Received on Friday, 17 September 2010 09:17:38 UTC