- From: Elbes, Yousef <elbesy@who.int>
- Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 15:39:32 +0200
- To: <public-mlw-workshop@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <A2A023FE0D6F9945A05B8A1F87E45A9405AF772C@HQSWKAKI01.hq.intra.who.int>
Hello, My name is Yousef ELBES Multilingual Manager, World Health Organization I would like to attend the Multilingual Web workshop which will take place in Madrid (26-27 Oct. 2010). Most of the topics sound very interesting and relevant to my current job. However, I am particularly interested in the following areas: 1. Multilingual web sites in general. 2. Content management and publishing tools. 3. Language selection and navigation. 4. Machine translation and Translation Memories. 5. Semantic web. 6. Importance of multilingual web. 7. Standards. Also, I am interested in speaking at the workshop about the way we are doing our multilingual web business in WHO, and about our plans for the future. The first half of the proposed talk would explain why it is "important" for WHO to have a multilingual web site, and would describe the following processes that are currently in place to enrich our WHO multilingual site and to keep it up to date: 1. Selection of content to be translated - using our Content Evaluation criteria. 2. Translation. 3. Managing our multilingual documents. 4. Editing translations. 5. Standardization tools: multilingual style guide. 6. Publishing. 7. Overall workflow. The second half would describe our (gaps), which constitute our plans and aspirations for the future: 1. Automation of content tagging and linkage in each language. 2. Use of Machine Translation. 3. Strict Content Evaluation system (what content to translate into which language(s) and why). 4. Integration of the site with WHO Institutional repository (online library). 5. Ideal, cost-effective workflow: content selection-translation (MT)-editing-publishing. Content of the proposed talk can be modified to fit within the final agenda of the workshop. Best regards. Yousef Yousef Elbes, PH.D. Multilingual Manager World Health Organization 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland http://www.who.int <http://www.who.int/>
Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2010 16:12:17 UTC