The Luxembourg BabelNet Workshop (Updated with Call For Papers)

Sent on behalf of Roberto Navigli.

The Luxembourg BabelNet Workshop 
(Updated with Call For Papers)

2-3 March, 2016, Luxembourg <>
New location to accommodate more participants (currently >85)! 
Schuman Building of the European Parliament, Hemicycle. 2929 Luxembourg

Organized by: 
EU Publications Office, European Commission, European Parliament 

We are proud to announce the Luxembourg BabelNet workshop. This event is a technical workshop on BabelNet <>, the largest multilingual encyclopedic dictionary and semantic network -- now also a huge knowledge base -- covering 14 million concepts and named entities in 272 languages. The workshop will take place over two days. The first day is a technical guided tour, including industrial applications. The second day consists of four case studies of resource mapping to BabelNet.
The workshop is open to all comers. It will be held in English and attendance is free, up to the room capacity.

This is an IT technical workshop; the ideal background of participants is computer science and natural language processing. However, participants from other backgrounds with an interest in the IT aspects of their specialty (like authors, translators and publishers) should also benefit, though they must be aware of the technical IT nature of the workshop. Regardless of their background, participants will gain a deep understanding of BabelNet: at least being able to properly use even the most advanced functionalities, such as traversing the network, multilingual disambiguation and high-performance mapping; perhaps capable of contributing at the conceptual level; at the higher end, contribute and getting involved in the development. 


We invite the submission of short position papers from participants. Papers will discuss any aspect, application, addition, use of BabelNet, Babelfy or related results (like potential resources to be linked, mapping methodologies, etc.). It is possible to submit paper abstracts using this form <> by February 15th, 2016. Upon acceptance, you will be asked to format your abstract as a position paper up to two pages long in PDF format. 

Selected authors may be invited to join the second day of the workshop, during the session called “Luxembourg Lightning Talks”.

Confirmed Speakers

* Roberto Navigli, Sapienza University of Rome (main speaker and creator of BabelNet)
* Asunción Gómez Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (invited speaker)
* Claudio Delli Bovi, Sapienza University of Rome (technical sessions)


Radoslaw Banas, Publications Office <>
M.T. Carrasco Benitez, European Commission <>
Rodolfo Maslias, European Parliament <>

Roberto Navigli
Dipartimento di Informatica
Sapienza University of Rome
Viale Regina Elena 295b (building G, second floor)
00161 Roma Italy
Phone: +39 0649255161 - Fax: +39 06 49918301
Home Page: <>

Received on Monday, 25 January 2016 11:44:59 UTC