W3C Workshop, Call for Participation, The Multilingual Web – Linked Open Data and MultilingualWeb-LT Requirements, 11 - 13 June 2012, Dublin

The purpose of this workshop is two-fold: first, to discuss the 
intersection between Linked Open Data and Multilingual Technologies (11 
June), and second, to discuss Requirements of the W3C MultilingualWeb-LT 
Working Group (12 - 13 June). We expect that both topics will attract an 
overlapping set of participants, and we hope to increase the overlap by 
this workshop.

Unlike previous MultilingualWeb workshops, this workshop aims at certain 
groups of participants, with the goal of producing concrete proposals 
about next steps in the two areas described above . While future 
MultilingualWeb workshops will continue the format of broad events and 
will aim again at a larger audience, attendees for this workshop are 
required to participate actively and will need to submit a position 
statement for the workshop registration.

Participation is free, but the number of places is restricted. If you 
are interested in attending, please register as soon as possible and 
include your short position statement in the registration form.

See the Call for Participation: http://multilingualweb.eu/register

Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)


Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2012 16:33:00 UTC